Sometimes I can be quite spiteful. That's what Mark, my colleague, was commenting on me through email at work yesterday. Before that, we were sort of expressing our views on passive smoking being more harmful and some other issues of discussions. I must say our emails, or rather mine was kinda hostile in tone. He said I was just feeling bitter. Oh well, what's gotten into me of late?!
I am bitter and spiteful. Gee... not been much of a good day at work eh. And to add on to that, in the course of the past few weeks; I made a number of blunders at work, forgotten to take my debit card after a purchase at some store in Manchester (was there for a break the recent weekend), had to miss watching the world cup finals as I'm on my way home from Manchester in the train (didn't realised the finals date when booking the train tics), in cranky moods. I'm like a landmine, ready to blow up if not carefully treaded upon.
Could this be a beach-withdrawal-symptom? Missing parts in my life? Good (veggie) friends absence?
Anyway I'll be going to Dance Valley this coming Friday in Holland! Yippy! At least that's something to look forward too! And once I'm back, I'll be able to see Syndy in London! Yay! Think I miss Fab4 too much. This time it really hit me right smack hard now that I'm truely back here in London on my own! Man, it sure is tough! Not that I dislike it, just that it's really taking me quite a bit to realise and adapt. Finally? What took so long?!
Sigh, I don't even know what's gonna happen once my visa runs out. I would love to be back again in the comforts of home but I would also love to be in the comforts of freedom I can get away from home. It's not gonna be easy to get a work permit here I dare say. There's a very high possibility that I might have to pack up and wave goodbye to London next year. There's still so much I want to do and travel in Europe. I find myself racing againt time! Am I just getting paranoid or something? It's only July you may say, but before you know it, winter's gonna come and then spring where I have to leave. Somebody, please smack me! Am I thinking too far? I'm just getting upset and irritated over nothing. Must learn how to relax! I'm trying to! I just want to laugh at myself! Hahaha! Gee, I can be so random.
To end off. I would like to say,"I'm angry because I care. I'm a very caring person."
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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