Wednesday, 30 July 2003

Poem or not, you decide. [ Poem Part I ]

Time changes
What is past is past
What is history is history
What is gone is gone
What lies ahead is a mystery

There is no point looking back
And hoping it would come back
Instead look forward and feel its wonder
Nothing will be the same again
So don't pin or hold onto the past anymore

It's time we wake up to reality
Carry on walking the new path
That lays ahead each day
Go on with life, forget the pain
And cherish those once happy days

Leave the past
Forget it all
And carry on
A dream shall always be a dream
Wake up and live life to its fullest

Without regrets
Live and stay alive
For a purpose
For your sake
And the sake of those who love you too

Go on with life
Take great care always
My dear friend
May the lord bless you always
Goodbye Farewell

Found this when I was clearing my room one day [2002]. Tot it will be good to keep it here. I'm a free thinker mind you. heh heh ...