Suddenly feel like going out to blade! Sudden strong urge! The urge so intense! Speeding against the wind... letting the wind blow across my face again. No worries to think abt nor bother with, with just the wind against my face, against my bod. How i wish n wish, right here right now. *sigh*
But look at the time. It's bloody hell 2am [at this point in time]!! N wat the hell m I doing not asleep still? hell wld i noe? Getting a lil insomnia lately i guess. Been thinking too much perhaps?
Hmm... come to think of it... it's actually been a mth since I last went blading. A mth since i've got tat new scar on my left knee. Gd thing is the wound's healed, bad thing is it left me a scar. Haha.. but im not daunted by tat, NO WAY! The wind I favour of is all that I need! Yeah~
Cant wait for the weather to be sunny gay again. i wanna b like the wind again! mmmm mmmm mmmm.... mamameeya~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago