Finally after the waiting... since last dec in fact, finally get to meet up with Danielle tonite for our chocolate cake date. Not to forget Trix too. But b4 tat, while Danielle n I [wanted to get a table while waiting for Trix to reach] were heading our way toward Seah St Deli, we meet Lisi n Barnaby. Wat a coincidence, they jus had their fill of cakes n left Seah St Deli. hee...
So there, Danielle, Trixy, me... the 3 of us, sitting @ one cosy corner inside Seah St Deli @ raffles hotel. We order the long awaited sin! The 7 layered chocolate cake, a lime pie n a beef sandwich ... [loved the chocolate cake n sandwich but not the lime pie.. too sweet, too sour.. so extreme]
Danielle kept chatting away.. yakkatty yakkatty yak... me n trix sat there listening away. Guess we clicked pretty well not jus online but offline too. :) Danielle told us abt her life in Hong Kong, abt how big the portion of their food servings is n speedy mini van drivers n lotsa stuffs over there. Really think it wld b some kinda culture shock if we were to go there. I've been to HK once, but didnt really notice abt the food's portion there.. perhaps I was more engrossed with shopping to care. haha...
Danielle looks really thin in person! Petite~ Must try to stuff her more with the chocolate cake. haha... jus kidding :p Shes great company to haf ard. We 3 had a fun time. Hope to catch her in HK one day then ^_^
A Purry Luck
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