It's the eve of Chinese New Year. I should be happy, for I'm able to get red packets soon. Instead, I'm feeling so darn pissed off with myself. Or rather so darn sad and disappointed in myself. Gee, what a way to start my first blog for 2005 [Yes, first blog after so long].
Just last week, something happened to my computer. The taskbar suddenly went cranky and thinking it would be alright to restart the computer to rid of that crankiness, I went ahead with it. Hell, what a big mistake it was. I killed my computer. It went dead. Argh! Stupid me, I should have quickly backed up all my files since I already sensed something wasn't quite right weeks before this murder! That's the lesson for being lazy.
Thought that with a new computer and files copied over from the old drives, my data will be saved. But ho ho ho! Hell no! I was such a fool! Wonder if it's really due to a virus? Data's Gone! All gone! The data in my C drive all gone! Shitty! Sucky! Argh!!!! Why? GRrRrrr!!!!! If only I had done something, like backing up my data constantly. Yeah yeah yeah, it's always an "If only I this.. If only I that... If only.." Ya dah ya dah dah dah argh!
*sulks* Yeah, it's no point crying over spilt milk. It's all my doing. Hope my cousin might be able to help me do something about this lost data bit. If only he would pick up his phone.
*sigh* imagine all my working files of my website and freelance and designs, murdered! And my photos too! All killed! Blood has been shed, a great battle lost! My soilder of data all dropped dead and vanished into thin air! What's maddening is I can't seem to type Chinese text in my new com. How queer!
Think I'm gonna try contact my cousin again... hmm no answer again~ Lalalalala... Im just so fucked!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago