It was some time about 12.30am. Suddenly I felt myself swaying slightly non-stop from left to right to left to right... Kinda weird. Was I hallucinating? Imagining things? Before that I went for a jog ( after many years of not jogging). I kinda surprised myself for being able to jog 4 rounds straight then another 2 more after walking for a round. Was this swaying feeling the after effects from jogging? This never happened before [think so]. I was really swaying. From what a colleague told me about her mini earthquake experience in Taiwan, I'm suspecting Singapore might be experiencing some earthquake tremors.
I was chatting online with Lisi. I asked if she felt any tremors since she lived pretty near my area. She said no and was shocked by what I told her. Haha... Some time later she told me that her friend sms her saying tremors were felt in parts of Singapore, namely the eastern side. Mine's more in the north east side. Another friend of mine who's living even closer to me than Lisi, said he didn't felt any tremors at all. How queer. Was it just me or what, man? Tsk tsk... this's my first EARTHQUAKE experience! Woo hoo hoo~ Cool! Hey! Wait a minute, why am I being so happy about this? Haha!
But bless us all from harm of the earthquake. It aint a nice thing if something disasterous was to happen to us small Singapore, a lil red dot on the map.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago