How could I ever forget his BIRTHDAY!? :) Hmm, make it a "their".. tsk tsk~
It so happens that it's not only one, but three guy's birthdays today! Namely, JJ (a local singer whom I adore), Smith (a friend), and Victor (Syndy's boyfriend). Anymore out there who are born in the 27th March too? Hee.
And to help celebrate their birthdays, we the Fab4 and my Godsis gathered at Lisi's place today WITHOUT those 3 guys. Haha, yep you didn't read this wrongly. We gals celebrated their b'days WITHOUT em! Ho ho ho...
WHY? That's 'cos:
1] JJ don't even know us but we know him
2] Smith's probably celebrating with his girlfriend and we havent caught up with him ages ago.
3] Victor's in Canada. Too far away to surprise with a knock on the door. *chuckles*
Anyway back to the "celebration". Syndy baked chocolate cake with chocolate chips and rasins (what an interesting mix), I had some left over oreo cheesecake from the night before, Lisi made some sago pudding. Yum yum! Boy, I really really need to watch what I'm eating! We all ended up playing with our hair next. We locked ourselves in Lisi's room, playing and trying on different kinda curls on one another's hair with Peilin's (my Godsis) hair curler. Then we all went crazy and totally mad over heels with our curls, you can hear those cams go snap snap snap. Vain bitches! Ha ha ha! You don't call girls girls for nothing. Imagine guys doing that? Gee~ Lemme know if you know any who does such stuffs, I wanna hang out with them! *Grinz*
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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