It's been a really long time since I last blog in here. I'm starting to fade away from my blog. I've started to detach myself away that I'm starting to feel numb to all around me. Hmm. I'm even starting to sound nonsensical.
Yes, it's been a long time I've been away from home, it's my 6th month here in London. For the first time in my life, I've never been living away from my family and friends for so long! Though we still try to keep in contact through msn or emails, the feeling's never right. We are still thousand miles apart. Nothing's gonna change that. I can't say I don't totally enjoy being here, working and meeting new people and learning new stuffs about the world out there. Somehow home will always get to you, especially when all the fun goes to bed and loneliness ties you down. Heh.
Many things happen in the past 6 months. I'm really glad that I'm here and for the umteen times I can't believe I'm actually here. Man! So what is my point?! Heh
Weather's turning colder. It's really a test to my coldness endurance. Let's see who wins, the winter or I. We'll wait and see, the coldest day is yet to come! Always a good reason to shop for new warm clothes. I really worry for my little luggage. How am I gonna bring back the load I already have brought and bought. If I do really come back to the UK again next year, be sure to remind me just to bring an empty luggage so I can buy all the pretty outfits here and not worry I won't have no space in me baggage. Yeah!
This is really random blabbering. Cause? Too long of no constant blogging. Heh.
You know what, I like talking to myself when I'm alone walking on the streets. No, not streets filled with people, that's gonna make me weird. Just thinking aloud while I'm walking alone in a deserted street, like on my way home from the tube station. Shhh, don't go telling others about my queer habit.
Though I now have all the freedom in the world away from home, it's never ever gonna beat the freedom I dearly enjoy when I'm blading out in the parks back home. The taste of freedom in the wind brushing against your bare skin. Think that's the best feeling in the world - freedom! Blading along with the wind blowing against your face, I simply love that feeling. I love being by the beach or coast too, looking at the waves hitting against the shore or rocks. It soothes and calms and heals you. I just can't wait to go to the beach! I just can't wait to be blading again! Pray I do not fall and hurt myself and get all those nasty scars. Heh. I'm gonna go sit by the beach all day long! Looking out in the the vastness and think aloud! Yeah! Heh.
Mind ya the wind can be nasty here when it's winter. Yes, I've made claims that I love the wind blowing into my face, but this? We'll see what I have to say again once I had enough of the chills against me pretty face. Heh.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago