It's been quite a while hasn't it?
It's amazing how fast time flies when one is kept occupied. Alot has been going on about and around me since 2006. It's keeping me occupied but at the same time draining and sucking the energy out of me. New job, new responsibilities, new colleagues, new people, new friends, new travels, new clothes.. tsk tsk... I feel so faded and jaded. How I wish I could express myself like before, freely and be more lively. Pretty tough as I'm feeling pretty numb to just about everything, just name it. Feel as if I were a zombie without any soul. But still there's so many things waiting for me to do and to try and to achieve. No matter what, I'll go on. No soul but yes spirit. Hee hee hee... I figured I'll need more rest or sleep to nurse 'em back. Perhaps a hundred years would be about right. Won't it? Hahaha...
As for now, I'm hoping for the better weather to come upon us. At least that would keep me happy. Yes, you can say that I am quite easily contented. It shouldn't be hard. Why should one try to make things difficult for oneself in order to be happy? Hmmm, but at the same time I think I quite enjoy seeing and making myself sad and take pity on myself. Am I not the only one? I want things to go my way! But it doesn't work that way all the time. Thank you.
I wonder what sort of person have I come to become after this (soon to come) one year away from home, living in the UK? For the better definately! Haha... but it's always very nice to hear from family and friends what have I become. I can be pretty obsess with myself. Self-centered! Narcissism! So what have those who have known me for ages got to say about me then and now? That I've sort of turned mellow? Less lively or bouncy? Tad more serious? Tell me tell me...
Bet you can tell the diff from my past and present blogs anyway. I'm like a case study. Woo hooo... Aite. That's all for now. I'm done with blogging to keep my moodiness at bay.
Ci Vediamo (cya in Italian)
I'm hoping to learn Italian from me housemates, but progress is very bad.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago