Beginning of the month I found out that my fairy tale Prince whom I met in a "ball" in Paris has found his Cinderella in her glass slippers. It would have been truly a sweet fairy tale ending for him and I but snapping back to reality, I'm moving on.
- secondly -
I'm now finally able to treat the chestnut as a friend and hang out with again. The chestnut whom I had once so ever foolishly gone ga ga over and cried my heart out with. Thinking back now, I had been really naive and really really silly and very blind. Though it took me quite a while to put it behind, it's worth it. It's history and I learnt from it.
- thirdly -
Many changes are happening in my current job. We're moving to a new building, we'll have new seating arrangements (can't say that I favour where I've been assigned to sit), we have new team leaders as well as products/projects assigned to us for our primary and secondary roles (which I'm not very particularly happy about!!!).

I'll be moving to south London instead of west London which has been home to me the past 2 years that I've been in the UK. I'm sure gonna miss west London and its greenery badly. But... looking on the bright side! I'm gonna have my own room now! (Yep, I've been sharing a room for my whole life!) And plus point is I can decorate the unfurnished place I'm moving into! YAY! However, I ain't got much to spend. It's gonna take some time to do up my own room. I'm kinda looking forward to it nonetheless. It'll be good to live in and explore another part of London.