Woo Hoo!!!
I finally received my UK driving license today in the post! (Psst, however my UK license start date is just a day difference from my SG start date, drats, would have been perfect if both had the same date!)
Yippy, now it's time to aim for a car! But first I'll have to clear my debts and spend less and save up for the car!
Well my 3 year plan for now is very simple, just 3 things on the list for now:
1] to own a car in London
2] to be able to speak french fluently (well... at this rate I'm going...)
3] to be able to buy my own property in London
*smirks* Let's all wait and see then. 3 years!
Well I know that last point seems very highly impossible, SO I'm listing this as backup (which shouldn't be too hard):
3] to be able to know how to snowboard!
I'm not being materialistic mind ya. Why I'm aiming for these is because:
1] I want to have my own car to be able to drive to IKEA to buy stuffs that would need the help of a car to bring home. To drive about as and when I like over the weekends mainly. I can drive to the beach. I can make short road trips. It's like a freedom!
2] I took up french because my Switzerland trip early this year motivated me so. I wanted to pick up snowboarding but took up french first so if I were to go to France or Switzerland again I can speak to the people in french. Silly but true.
3] I want a place I can call home in London! No more worrying if I can make holes in the walls just so I can hang mirrors or put up pictures! I can decorate the place however I want it to! This can be considered as a kinda investment too!
and of course:
3] I'll never be able to get a change at snowboarding when I'm back in sunny Singapore, summer all year round. Need I explain more?
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago