After staying home and watching on my laptop two animation movies - Hoodwinked, Meet the Robinsons - I begun flipping through various older journal entries over the past three years of my stay in the UK. Main ingredient of all the or rather most of the entries taste of lonliness. Time flies, I have changed. From someone who was ever so cheerful, bubbly and carefree to someone lonely, depressed, moody and very insecured. The cheery self now is fake. I wonder if that's what London is capable of. Turning innocent, naive individuals to such state. Or is it the real world that's the actual culprit? Have I been too protected back in SG? Or is it all part and parcel of growing up? But I've always been 12!
All the recent series of events - work, life, love - has drained me. I feel really tired, strained, numbed. I don't feel a thing anymore. It's like being tied down and having lotsa pins stuck into your flesh, but you don't feel a thing, you can't feel the pain. That numb. I no longer know how it is like to feel again. I don't know what emotions do I go through each day. Could this be depression taking in? I somehow won't be surprised if it is. I suspect that I've caught it...
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago