I was having an enjoyable chat with Laura earlier on in the evening about this new internal website project that I am currently involved with at work (which is rather a refreshing change from the normal work bore). And also how I would be keeping notes of most of the things I do day-to-day, like which movies did I catch, whom I met up with or will be meeting, and (recently) my room hunting viewings, oyster card expiry dates, etc. in my schedule. Yes I'm old fashion rather than keep a plam top or blackberry. I'm doing the planet good by recycling paper (that made my scheduler) and reducing my carbon footprint from charging my devices. Excuses! Yeah yeah. whatever.
I must say she was rather impressed at how organised I am with all my planning and jotting. Well, of course I beg to differ but a nice compliment every now and then does feel good. *smirks* She said I'm exceptional as she pointed out not everyone keeps track of their daily lives like this. I'm a perfectionist I have to admit, it's a diease I can't kill. Everything has to be pefect or at least in order otherwise I could end up being in some kinda weird cranky mood if they don't go my way. Oh yes, you don't wanna go that way with me. You don't know me! Guess that's partly why I'm mostly miserable and greatly depressed of late with so many issues going on in live for me. I've been knocked off my chair and it's been really hard trying to get back on as it wasn't on my agenda. Hopefully after sorting out my current lodging suitation - which somehow had quite a twist of lemon added in from the landlord which I shan't go into - I'll be able to get on track and start being the perfectionist I am again. Back on the chair. I would require alot of money to sort this out I foresee. (Not bribery you silly)
Well as I was saying, I was having my enjoyable chat with Laura, yah dah yah dah dah, she suggested that I should move on and try specialising in a specific field in my line of job as she can tell that I really have fun and enjoy doing these bits of (website) organising and planning stuff. And presto - Information Architeture - that's what I should go into. She also said that I'm not using my (many) hidden talents at all and since this is a fairly new field in the industry and on demand for it will be a good milestone. I think I could look into that next year! Something to add to my resolution perhaps? Apart from trying to learn french of course which just got thrown out of the window after a few months' of lessons. Shame on me! And I barely remember how to speak it now.
Oh well, guess going down the information architecture line does sound visible and a good challenge. It's time I know what I wanna do in my line of job! And even get to enjoy it (hopefully). This will definately be on my agenda. You better watch out! You better not cry! 'Cause I'm telling you why! Information architeture is coming to town!
So what is Information Architecture?
As wikipedia would say:
Information architecture (IA) is the art of expressing a model or concept of information used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems. Among these activities are library systems, Content Management Systems, web development, user interactions, database development, programming, technical writing, enterprise architecture, and critical system software design. Information architecture has somewhat different meanings in these different branches of IS or IT architecture. Most definitions have common qualities: a structural design of shared environments, methods of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, and online communities, and ways of bringing the principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.
Sounds cool? Here's more if you're keen to read on.
Definately something I'll try to look into next year (once my lodging hoo haa is sorted). Wish me luck folks!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago