[18:17] Pea: i wanna shake the world at its neck
[18:17] Pea: *shake shake shake*
[18:17] Potatoe: world got no neck
[18:17] Potatoe: its round
[18:18] Pea: that's why i can't even do that
[18:18] Potatoe: u gotta kick his balls
[18:18] Pea: haa
[18:18] Pea: if i kick the balls will it work better?
[18:18] Potatoe: maybe it will say ouch haha
[18:19] Pea: just ouch
[18:20] Pea: ok i will kick it a couple of times.
[18:20] Pea: make it shout a few ouches
[18:20] Potatoe: maybe it will be blue black
[18:20] Pea: but.. isn't the world supposed to be a SHE?
[18:20] Potatoe: erm the one i know of is a he
[18:20] Potatoe: maybe the one u know is a she
[18:21] Potatoe: she has a tough life, needs to make babies
[18:21] Pea: lol
[18:22] P0tatoe: he just sleeps around easy life
[18:23] Pea: sucker!
One of my many enjoyable msn conversations with my beloved potatoe.
This year my emotional state is like a roller coaster and poor Dan has to endure the "fun" and "thrills" of it. I get terrible and extreme mood swings. Things haven't been going well lately - work; coping with financial suitation; house rental/hunting issues - twice within a year; being ill again right after recovering from one; etc. I'll just mention one for now. It may seem minor to you but it means the world to me (on top of everything else that's been happening) - for now at least. (It might go away after a night's sleep)
Just when I've decided to brace myself for the new challenges to face, trying to induce myself with positiveness outlook, I got crumbled. Negativeness hits.
I had been so preoccupied that I'd actually forgotten to renew my web hosting and domain name services. They expire on 2nd November of every year (if I keep to the same provider that is) and it slipped my mind to renew it which I only just did. Hopefully my website/files (which I haven't backed up the latest copy) will be retrievable once my payment has been approved.
It seems 2008 doesn't feel like a very good year though the number "2008" looks nice. How deceiving. May 2009 be better.
I have to try inject some anti-negativeness into me!
*shake shake shakes the world at its neck (even if it doesn't have any)*
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago