Well well well.. the past couple of months had been quite a whirlwind. Lotsa ups and downs, ups and downs. Ups and downs. Very tiring. Amidst the gloomy times, there's still the occassional beams of sunlight shinning through. All is not lost yet though I am kinda very much homesick. It's not fair that I get to have so much fun here without my lovely friends back home to share those moments with. Sigh. But I'll be going home soon! Yay! Though only for a short week, it'll be worth it! If only I could be home for a bit longer.

Lovely view of the summer sky in my London neighbourhood
I now have new flatmates and they are wonderful and lovely people! It's been really enjoyable and much more a home now with them. We have so much fun together. We cook together, we joke together, we help give each other fashion tips together, we watch dvds together, we invite friends over and have a good laughter over a nice home cooked meal together. "We have to do this more often!" We kept repeating to one another. Just tonight we invited a friend over, all girls night of food and fun. I made us some oven baked chicken that had been marinated with soya sauce and oyster sauce. Samina made a lovely sweet potato and spinach curry which we all loved and couldn't get enough of. Franziska made some german speciality from potates which was just as yummy. Went well with the chicken which was mmm mmmm mmm... And there was rice with veggies too. As for dessert we had chocolate moose with ice cream and amaretto. Sweet. Oh no... You can never go without a dessert after a great meal. Not when you're with us!

Not sure if it was the food or the alcohol (we had some rosé and red wine too), but we decided to come up with 10 questions to ask men in the middle of our convesations. We were laughing while thinking up the questions or rather answers and at the same time trying to concentrate on our devouring our meals. Yes, I admit, we are rather ambitious women.
So here goes. Listen up you men out there, it's time to answer some 10 questions now! (Dan, you too. Lol)
10 questions to ask men
Q1 When you see boobs what do you think of?
1] milk
2] melons
3] support and comfort
4] sexual pleasures
Q2 When you are running, what do you feel in your lower region?
1] tennis balls
2] cotton balls
3] swinging sensation
4] squashing
Q3 Does underwear matter?
1] Bridget Jones (granny pants)
2] nothing is best, less is more
3] body suit
4] ann summers
Q4 If you really like someone how soon would you contact her?
1] immediately
2] after 1 day
3] after 5 days
4] after a month
Q5 How old do you think you'll need to be to get married?
1] early 20s because the first one for life
2] 30s, had all the fun and can do without it
3] age doesn't matter, just when it feels right
4] commitment, what is commitment?
Q6 What boobs size do you like?
1] a pinch
2] a handful
3] 2 footballs and I'm happy
4] I like suffocation
Q7 What do you like your girl to taste like?
1] burger
2] beer
3] cherry
4] chocolate
Q8 What would be the most romantic moment?
1] fish and chips and a pint
2] going to a football match together
3] a box of chocolates and a bunch of roses
4] watching the sunrise together
Q9 How intelligent does she need to be?
1] blonde bimbo in a pink track suit
2] in an apron (motherly)
3] like to look through her smudgy glasses in a dusty library
4] up the ladder (power bitch)
Q10 Fu*k these questions...
1] I just want to get laid
2] I just want to get laid and see how goes
3] I just like her
4] I just love her for the way she is