think i omst felt like crying jus now man! it was jus so scary i tell u! haiz... think im a such failure. wonder how on earth did i manage to get my driving license man. anyway it was my 1st time driving my dad's car tonite. i tried to drive 2 frens home [well sorta] ard their area. my dad was sitting beside me in the car. he was there to keep an eye on me. boy was he tough on me, "raising" his voice while he instruct me on how to drive his car. kept urging me to put in more effort when stepping on the accelerator man~ so stressed! i wasnt even checking the mirrors nor my blind spots [well at least i did tried when trying to filter lanes].
must admit i wasnt used to driving my dad's car yet, too used to driving my instructor's car. :( my feet coordination was terrible, sucky. And when i'm suppose to go fast i was driving so slowly, not stepping enuff on the accelerator, then getting told off by my dad for tat.. sobs sobs.... when im suppose to go slow it was the opp. haiz.... i even try to beat the red light, lucky it was still amber when i drove pass... if not woo hooo 12 demerit points! >_< then there's sharp n wide turnings at the junctions... :( think i scare my frens at the back seats! can see tat they r trying not to show fear on their faces. they used giggles to cover up fear pretty well. *sigh*
even my 1st attempt at trying to park without poles at the car park sucks big time man. horrible! my dad really "shouted" at me man... im so stoopid... he chided me~ sobs >_< but i believes he loves me the same no matter wat. hee hee...
damn! wonder how long will it take me to master the art of driving man! dont think i dare drive alone on the road yet, let alone the expressway.But... but...but one day i shall prevail against the driving monster! yeah! jus u wait u monster!!! heh heh~ think i better stick to roller blading for the time being then. hahaa :p
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