it was a cool friday afternoon. rain pour over earth in the early morning. the ground was wet. lucky it stopped raining in the early afternoon.
there i was sitting by the table opposite my tester after the test i've just completed. I omost tot I couldnt make it. n yet i tot i could too. I bit my lips, my fingers felt numb. i kept contradicting myself. He looked stern and strict as he told me wat my mistakes were while marking the paper, trying to hide the overall results from my view. I tot to myself,"of cos u made it. u r not gonna fail if hes doing tat right? covering up the marks n not letting u see... but then again u did made quite a num of mistakes, n hes really ticking quite a num of em ya noe. so mayb u might fail after all!"
after summing up the marks, with a grave look he said to me,"okay... u can go now......." while passing me my result slip "to the counter 3 and watch the video tape". [well oni those who pass will get to view da tape abt safety n stuffs]
I'VE FINALLY PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!!! Yippy yippy yeah!! WooOoo HooOoo ... Horaay!!!!! *my heart jumps with great joy* :p
u couldnt imagine how happy i was! i was so happy tat the oni word i can think of to describe it is HAPPY! hahahaa!!! i omost cried! but neh, the tears didnt coorporate with me.
after i settled the fees with my instructor, i made a call to my dad n mum 1st. my dad's happy for me but i dun think he wld b tat happy as to lend me his car to drive now. hahaa.. im still pretty green n a dangerous driver ya noe *winkz* gonna b on probation with my dad n his car 1st.. think tat will b gd. i dun wanna endanger anyone ya noe.
next i contacted quite a few close frens of mine to inform em abt the gd news! ^_^ think my phone bill's gonna soar when it comes. haaa....
well..... the night b4 my test i met up with a fren for some chit chatting session at one of our fav hang out place. i regretted ordering the pot of tea there [drank abt 4-5 cups of tea, passion fruit tea]. in the end i ended up awake thru the night [well until 4+am tat is]. I kept visiting the toilet as well man.. bommer! imagine this... within an hr i cld end up visiting the toilet for 5, 6 times man~ Damn those tea! Tried to make myself sleep but my eyes were so wide open.... sigh.... tried to make myself sleepy by listening to soothing music.. but not very effective. toss n turn in bed. after a few toss i hafta visit the loo.. haa.. i will never forget this nite.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago