Suddenly outta the blues, i received a mysterious call from a guy last nite. woo... who can it be?? how come he noes me while i dun even haf the faintest idea who he is? But fret not, i shall find out the ans the very next nite. im gonna meet up with him ... haha.. well not jus him alone. its gonna b a class outing. a group [ppl in the orientation group back during our 1st 3 mths in SRJC] outing more like it in fact. how exciting. i dun even rem who they r. hell, its been 5 bloody freaking yrs since i last saw those guys man. yes how exciting. wonder if i cld rem em when i see em. wonder if they cld recognise me too. wonder who's gonna turn up. think i oni rem a few of the gals. oh how exciting!
so there I was, outside Kenny Rogers. Kinda nervous, wonder how wld the gathering go. Actually i din wanted to turn up tonite, for its been so many yrs since we all kept in contact. [ive been a bad gal] But as u noe im a gal of my words, n being a curious lass.. i decided to brave thru it! haha.. as if im like some wonder gal. Woo... think I saw someone! Oh dear.. it cun b.. i actually recgonise one of the gals! cool.... Total turn up rate for the nite was 10, including me [7 gals 3 guys]. tats nice.... not too bad, i cld rem the gals' faces [though not all their names], but the guys i hardly cld. heh heh...but its coming back to me a lil.... some of the ppl were still in contact with each other, making me feel bad cos i wasnt. anyway... we sorta give a lil speech each of wat happened to each of us after we left 3 mths of SRJC. had a pretty fun time chatting/catching up. I din really tok much, was pretty shy >_< tsk tsk...
after Kenny Rogers, we all moved off to esplanade for some photo shoots. n a lil more gossiping abt one of the guys n his gf. We gals forever r so "bitchy" afterall..muah hahahaha.... found out one of his weakness with the gals too. how amusing! heh heh.... shall not disclose wat tat weakness is here just in case .... watever :p
Guess it's been a pretty fruitful nite cum gathering then. Glad I made it. Wonder when's the nxt gathering gonna b. Perhaps a vball outing @ sentosa? Hope we all wun hafta wait for another 5 yrs jus for another gathering.
A Purry Luck
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6 years ago