"Thank You All! To all my friends and family and those who know me and sorry if I din mention ur name in my thank u speech!" how abt tat?! the longest ever thank you speech Ive jus made? haha...
okay, 'nuff of tat. Now onto the serious bit. Be prepared, dun say i didnt warn u! get ready for the long list below! Names listed are not in any order. [but its definately ladies 1st n family 1st too]. sorry if ur name didnt appear... but u noe in my heart, everyone's there. *goosebumps*
- Mum - Thanks for kicking me awake everyday for work! Thanks for everything! U've been a really wonderful mum! No words can describe u nor thank u! *hugz n muackz* Sorry the $ I owe u wld hafta wait. >_< heh heh ...
- Dad - Thanks for caring wat time i get home sometimes. Thanks for picking me up most of the time when i wanna get home. THANKS big time for changing from a manual to an auto car n letting me drive it when u r out of sg! Thanks for the trust! Sorry the $ I owe u gotta wait. hmm on 2nd tots dun think i owe u any. *sinister laughters*
- Bro - Thanks for all the fights n WWF we gave each other. U look better n more dashing in ur new haircut! *drools* hahaha... Keep it short okie! So when can i style ur hair? hur hur hur???
- Lisi - Simply too much to thank. Thanks for putting up with my cranky gubbish talks n ranting n acts all yr round. M gonna miss u lots when u futher ur studies abroad.
- Trixy - Thank u so much for bearing with me no matter how we keep pissing each other off. hee... without u, we wldnt haf gotten far, London especially. Will miss u jus as much too when u r going over to the UK to live n work.
- Syndy - Powderpuff gal, may u live happily ever after [in canada mayb?] with ur prince charming~ Missing u oredi.
- Peilin [godsis] - Thanks for being ever so paitent with my changing tempers, especially these past few yrs. ive been bad.
- Bee - Without u Bishan Dome Passion Fruit Tea wont Rock! Thanks babe!
- Shufen - Watever happened to our ECP outing? U still owe me our "indian tree" pics. heh heh... but really thanks for the fun we had. moo~
- Meizhi [my darling "hubby"] - Thanks for being Romeo ever since sec sch days. in case u r wondering, we both are not les, we're both straight. it's a long story, rite hubby? hahaa....
- Nelly - Thanks for inviting me to ur housewarming party. The food was really awesome, heavenly delicious. Keep in contact more okay? Dun keep disappearing. *grinz*
- Waiwai - Thanks for inviting me to ur wedding, it's my 1st time witnessing a church wedding. u looked really captivating in the gown. =)
- Vivian [Mummy] - Oways feel comfortable wth ur company, talking abt anything under the sun. Thanks! Sorry i havent been a good daughter. love ya!
- Rebecca - May u rid of ur insomnia!
- Jamie [biggmama] - Thanks for all the fabulous feast u've whipped up! *slurps*
- Bel - Thanks for letting me keep bullying u @ work. Sorry, but i jus cldnt help it! >_<
- June - Thanks for being the acomplice for bullying bel at times.
- Ruoshi - Thanks for the tenderheart bear! =)
- Ashley - Really one sporting gal! Thanks for the wonderful serves in vball court.
- Danielle - Hope to be able to meet this "hong kong pink-lover princess" one day.
- Shuhui - The "mother" of the group. Thanks.
- Ruishan - Omost couldnt recgonise u. Thanks for tat. haa...
- Geradine - U were the 1st i spotted at the gathering. If not for u i wont haf found where the rest were. Thanks.
- Loretta - May you find the rich Doc soon. hee hee...
- Siewli - Better take care of that arm of urs! Dun get too excited n forget abt ur broken arm.
- Yanbin - Still as cute as b4. ^_^
- Fiona - Thanks alot for being ever so gracious with my carelessness!
- Kim - Thanks for the temp @ smallblackflowers.
- Dino - Forcevomit Rocks big time man! U're the man! Thanks for oways being the photographer for us too. =)
- Effendy - Without u, we wld never get to noe the latest updates for softwares n stuffs @ work. Thanks!
- Kamal - Thanks for all those long long stories @ work, meetings, meals, etc.
- Preston - Thanks for the tips/advice u've given for webbies.
- Boon Siong [lao ba/Siong Papa] - Thanks for all the constant emails u've been sending to keep us all updated abt ur happenings. Sorry I've been a bad daughter.
- Raymond - I'm his stalker. haha.. jus kidding, dun get me wrong. It's jus tat Ive see him in the streets b4.
- Darren - Thanks for showing me the thrill of fishing. Thanks for KL too.
- Jeremy - McDonald's McFish Dippers, he's lovin' it! wat abt blading?
- Sharom - Lil india's waiting still...
- Edwin - Mr caveman from Eypgt, legolas wannabe [*pukes*]. Owe u a soupspoon still eh? tsk tsk...
- Duke [ah boy] - Thanks for helping me get back the hang of blading again. Thanks for intro-ing me to slalom tricks too. My scars wanna thank u too. lol...
- Jacky - Thanks a million for all the help you've given me when it comes to those programming and webby stuffs!!! Dont 4get to claim ur giant slurpees!
- Benson - Thanks for tat face lift man. Awesome kick with wilson [vball] right smack in my face. im not bearing grudges. fret not. hiak hiak...
- Mingli - Thanks for sending n letting me haf a look at ur portfolio. Art teacher. heh heh...
- Gerald - Thanks for being so sporting when it comes to teasing ur names. *wink winkz*
- Marz - Thanks. If it wont for u, we all wont haf gotten together and play vball.
- Tom - Quiet chap. Thanks for helping us get Wilson [vball] back lot of the times.
- Steven - Thanks for the xtra games after the sun has set.
- Jenson - Super friendly dude. Thanks for making us all puzzled by ur 1st appearance in our games. haha...
- Jan - It's really been a pleasure knowing n having u as a fren! Good pal! Great sista! haa... jus kidding. Thank you so much for everything!! May ur backpacking trip in Europe a dream come true very very soon.
- Michael - Thanks for mudering me. haa... jus kidding~ But it was really sweet n nice of u to call me all the way from Germany. Thanks.
- Joe - Thanks for revealing to us ur weak point. *evil grinz*
- Ian - Had a harder time trying to figure out who u were, really couldnt recgonise u @ 1st. Thanks so much for tat. haa ha...
- Kaixin - Thanks for organising that outing after so many yrs of not staying in contact!
- Justin - Thanks for the lift home.
- Leslie - Thanks for being sucha pain in the neck sometimes. haha... u really r one dead persistent kid. [doubt u wld get the chance to read this anyway. but heck~]
- Adrian - Thanks for all the sweet n sad, good n bad memories over the past few yrs.
Pink - Family
Green - blading + vball
Blue - frens since sec sch
Brown - blading
Purple - colleagues
Orange - vball
Aqua - known thru friendster
Kahki - SRJCians!
Black - frens nevertheless *grinz*