The Fortune Telling Handbook: The Interactive Guide to Tarot, Palm Reading, and More
by Dennis Fairchild, Julie Paschkis (Illustrator)
Book Description
This step-by-step guide to reading fortunes reveals trade secrets from a psychic's private files, offering instruction for predicting future events. Learn from an expert astrologer how to prepare a room for conducting readings, how to use handwriting analysis to zero in on a person's character, and how numerology may aid in performing annual predicitons. Palm and Tarot reading are explained in depth. The Fortune-Telling Handbook also features exercises to help the reader develop proficiency in each of these classic divination arts, along with space to record the results.
This was one of the books I've bought online recently. Was pretty happy n excited when i found the long-awaited books lying on my bed [few nights ago] when i got home. Been reading the books I've bought the past few days as well when I have time on hands.
On the very first night, the very first thing I did was to flip to the palmistry section n started digging. haha.. pretty generalised readings that's simple to follow along. Neat! Would make a cool gift for any beginner or friend who's into such stuffs.
Here's a lil preview of what's from the book. Shall touch a lil bit on the readings for my fingers as an example.
Fingers [thumb]
You're able to see another's point of view and give freely when the tip of your thumb bends back easily. If the thumb arches freely backward, you do what others tell you and are overly concerned abt the thoughs of the neighbours. Your heart rules your head and may have trouble making rational decisions. Very sentimental and a bit unrealistic, it's difficult for you to "live and let live."
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago