Saturday, 31 July 2004

Double Trouble Party @ Zouk

Perhaps you might be wondering, "What about the party you mentioned? The one you are looking forward to at zouk on friday? What about it?" If you haven't any idea or no interest to find out, one advice, stop reading this and be off on your way.. shoo shoo.. :p K, just kidding, but I won't stop ya if you wanna read on. [man, what's with this lass?]

Actually haven't got much to say about the party. It was I-S magazine's Double Trouble Party in celebration for the launch of their mag going weekly. Well... It was pretty fun nevertheless. Man dressed up as woman hosting, men wearing feathers on their back dancing on stage. Sexy women dancing on stage with the cool hot guys just before the final lucky draw of the party. Free vodka n heineken beer [limited stock, only managed to grab a bottle of the beer and my friend a glass of vodka]. Guys snapping and printing out photos for free. [I've got one! Yippy!] Guys going around giving freebies like sweets and condom. Erm, I got those too.. Haha.. I'm gonna keep the sweets but give the condom away since I won't have any use for it. [Stop thinking dirty!] Heh heh, I know who to give it to. [Now don't you go think otherwise again]

There's lotsa cute guys present at the party, not to mention pretty babes too. *droolz* They look so young and cute n fashionable, all so funky and cool. Aww man, I feel so far behind such parties man, I feel so normal and simple [and old. I can feel the terrible eyebags and dark circles]. Guess age's catching up with me [I'm starting to make myself sound darn old, like some old granny eh]. Me and my beloved friend kept roving our eyes around, checking out on the funky babes and guys. Not too bad I must say.

So it all ended early [about 11.40pm] for me and my friends, we decided to slip away from the partying crowd to catch the bus back home. What a night~

林俊杰 - JJ Lam

JJ Lin Jun Jie
JJ 林俊杰
That's right, no doubt about it! I'm gonna be writing about him again. Haha... Sometimes I just wonder if I'm begining to become obsess over this guy man. I pray not. Well, perhaps this craziness or obsession is gonna be temporary, for only awhile. Just like the very very few past male artists (Jay Chou for example). Oh well, I go crazy over them only when I feel that they have got what it takes and are very talented. And it's not just anyone who can get into my good books that easily okay! Though JJ may not be that handsome, but he's bubbly and chirpy. Positive attitude rules! It's his talents and songs I admire, not his looks~ But I must say he does seem kinda cute in certain ways.. haha >_<

I was using "Angike LOVES JJ Lin Jun Jie's songs ~wooo~" as my MSN nick since yesterday. So of course those who were curious or those who know about this guy would chat on about it with me in MSN. So a few of my friends asked me who this guy was. But the picture I had of his album wasn't really that clear, it only showed his side view.

To satisfy my friends' curiosity I did a little search on JJ's pictures online. And it was to my alarm that I found some info...

*clears throat * Erm hemm.... Sorry but to interrupt this bloggy. Just heard a disturbing piece of news!!!! A friend of mine was at the NDP [national day parade] preview earlier on. Here's what she buzz me that kinda upset me lots, "haha JJ was @ ndp jus nw. he was wearing.. all white..with a black tie...cute!"

Boo Hoo hooo! My JJ! How could he do this to me! I wanna see him at NDP up close n personal too! Oops... guess I got carried away, damn! Tsk Tsk...

*Gathering back my composure* As I was saying.. this obsession will only be just temporary.. Oh, not this bit... Okay as I was saying... I found some interesting info about JJ on the net. He's the same height, same horoscope, and same age as me but only a few weeks older. Cool~ What's even cooler is that his birthday's the same as a friend of mine whom I used to have a crush on many years ago. Way cool eh! Haha.. freaky perhaps?

Friday, 30 July 2004

豆浆油条 - soybean milk and crispy chinese cruller

豆浆油条This is one of the song's title from JJ 林俊杰 latest album. :)

I kept listening to his songs for the past many hours. Aww, they are all so lovely, especially this particular song. 豆浆油条.
I LOVE it! In fact I love the whole album. Way cool!

Can you believe he's about the same age as me man! Such a talented youth he is while I am a nothing. Haha...
The song is in chinese. Anyway I 'm gonna try translate his song for you all here for I really wanna share it with all!
Hold back your breath and please try to refrain from laughing.

The english sentences right after the chinese text would be the direct translation I got from

If you understand what it actually means in chinese, I'm sure you would find the direct translation pretty funny. But it's kinda entertaining nevertheless. *grinz*

Here goes:

豆浆油条 - soybean milk cruller

喝纯白的豆浆 是纯白的浪漫 - Drinks the pure white soybean milk Is pure white is romantic
望着你 可爱脸蛋 和你纯真的模样 - Is looking you Lovable cheek and your pure appearance
我傻傻对你笑 是你忧愁解药 - I am silly silly smile to you Is your sad antidote
你说我 就像油条 很简单却很美好 - You said me likes the cruller very simple very is actually happy

我知道 你和我就像是豆浆油条 - I knew that you and I on the picture am the soybean milk cruller
要一起 吃下去 味道才会是最好 - Wants the same place eats up the flavor only then to be able to be best
你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的拥抱 - You need my laughing foolishly I need your hug
爱情就是要这样它才不会淡掉 - The love is must it only then not be able palely to fall like this

我知道 有时候 也需要吵吵闹闹 - I knew some times also need to be noisy
但始终 也知道 只有你对我最好 - But throughout also knew only has you to be best to me
豆浆离不开油条 让我爱你爱到老 - The soybean milk cannot leave the cruller lets me like you loving old
爱情就是要这样它才幸福美好 - The love is must it only then happy be like this happy

我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 - I knew that all knew You knew that you all knew
好不好 别偷笑 笑 让我知道(就好) - Is good do not steal smiles smiles Lets me know (is good)

我喝完热豆浆 却念着还想要 - I drink the hot soybean milk actually to read also am wanting
你吃完金黄油条 爱情又要再发酵 - You finished eating the golden yellow cruller The love must again ferment

So had a laugh out of it? :p Alrighty, I think I better do the nice song some justice. Lemme do a simple summary of the beautiful song for ya if you still don't get what the song was actually about. Though I dare say this aint a very good job but still beats the one translated above >_< Hold your breath again once more. haha..

Soybean Milk and Chrispy Chinese Cruller

Drinking the pure white soybean milk is like innocent romance
Looking at your lovable face and your innocence
Me smiling sillily at you is like an antidote for your sadness
You said to me that I am just like the chrispy chinese cruller, very simple yet so happy

You and I are just like the soybean milk and chrispy chinese cruller
The flavour taste best when you eat them both together
You need my silly smiles and I need your hugs
Only then would love truly remain and not fade away

I know being together we will still quarrel sometimes
Nevertheless I know you shall be the only one who treats me the best
The soybean milk cannot leave without the chrispy chinese cruller
Let me love you till we grow old together

Only then would love truly remain happy

I know this theory You know it too
Okay, so do not smile secretly If you do please lets me know (that will do)

I finished drinking the hot soybean milk but still feel like drinking more
You finished eating your crispy golden yellow chinese cruller
Our love shall grow old with passing time

Wednesday, 28 July 2004

Paint the town RED

9th August, Singapore's birthday will be coming soon. Caught a bit of news on TV just now. The newscaster mentioned something about some minister [erm.. I think so, couldn't remember] suggesting we Singaporeans could try wearing red more often during the month of August, in celebration of our nation's birthday. I thought that will be a pretty fun and good idea. :)

Hiak hiak hiak...Yep, as you would have guess, I'm gonna try wear red tops out more during August. In fact I'm gonna start doing that this friday! I've decided! I'm gonna be wearing my new red top I got from a mango sale last month. *grins from ear to ear* Friday! Official opening for me new red top, celebrating it at Zouk! Haha... Okay, I'm acting silly again, who ever heard of official opening for newly bought clothes at a club man. Hey! But it's been hell a long time since I last went clubbing! Wooooo I just can't wait for friday to come!

I'm gonna paint the town in red! Gonna paint the club in red! Lalala la la la~

Monday, 26 July 2004

Super Size Me! I'm lovin' it~

Ho ho ho... behold and bewail over this! No more the "missing london" blog, no more! [michael ain't u glad? tsk tsk...] After 3mths of "missing london" blog, it's onto the "Super Size Me! I'm lovin' it" blog! *3 cheers for me*

I'm dedicating this blog to
--> super size me <-- Super Size Me

Why are Americans so fat? Find out in SUPER SIZE ME, a tongue-in-cheek and burger-in-hand look at the legal, financial and physical costs of America’s hunger for fast food. Ominously 37% of American children and adolescents are carrying too much fat and two out of every three adults are overweight or obese. Is it our fault for lacking self-control, or are the fast-food corporations to blame?
Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock hit the road and interviewed experts in 20 U.S. cities, including Houston, the “Fattest City” in America. From Surgeon Generals to gym teachers, cooks to kids, lawmakers to legislators, these authorities shared their research, opinions and ‘gut feelings’ on our ever-expanding girth.
During the journey, Spurlock also puts his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald’s for an entire month with three simple rules:
  1. No options; he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
  2. No supersizing unless offered
  3. No excuses: he had to eat everything on the menu at least once
It all adds up to a fat food bill, harrowing visits to the doctor, and compelling viewing for anyone who’s ever wondered if man could live on fast food alone. The film explores the horror of school lunch programs, declining health and physical education classes, food additions and the extreme measures people take to lose weight and regain their health.
SUPER SIZE ME is a satirical jab in the stomach, overstuffed with fat and facts about the billion-dollar industry besieged by doctors, lawyers and nutritionists alike. ‘Would you like fries with that?’ will never sound the same!

Just went to catch this movie with Lisi, Jan, Michael and his girlfren, Erica. I'm really lovin' it! It's really fantastic. Giving me real 2nd tots abt going to the fast food joints in future. Thanks Morgan Spurlock for bringing to us such an informative yet entertaining kinda documentary film. I love the humour included. They have nice songs in there too~ tsk tsk...