Perhaps you might be wondering, "What about the party you mentioned? The one you are looking forward to at zouk on friday? What about it?" If you haven't any idea or no interest to find out, one advice, stop reading this and be off on your way.. shoo shoo.. :p K, just kidding, but I won't stop ya if you wanna read on. [man, what's with this lass?]
Actually haven't got much to say about the party. It was I-S magazine's Double Trouble Party in celebration for the launch of their mag going weekly. Well... It was pretty fun nevertheless. Man dressed up as woman hosting, men wearing feathers on their back dancing on stage. Sexy women dancing on stage with the cool hot guys just before the final lucky draw of the party. Free vodka n heineken beer [limited stock, only managed to grab a bottle of the beer and my friend a glass of vodka]. Guys snapping and printing out photos for free. [I've got one! Yippy!] Guys going around giving freebies like sweets and condom. Erm, I got those too.. Haha.. I'm gonna keep the sweets but give the condom away since I won't have any use for it. [Stop thinking dirty!] Heh heh, I know who to give it to. [Now don't you go think otherwise again]
There's lotsa cute guys present at the party, not to mention pretty babes too. *droolz* They look so young and cute n fashionable, all so funky and cool. Aww man, I feel so far behind such parties man, I feel so normal and simple [and old. I can feel the terrible eyebags and dark circles]. Guess age's catching up with me [I'm starting to make myself sound darn old, like some old granny eh]. Me and my beloved friend kept roving our eyes around, checking out on the funky babes and guys. Not too bad I must say.
So it all ended early [about 11.40pm] for me and my friends, we decided to slip away from the partying crowd to catch the bus back home. What a night~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago