9th August, Singapore's birthday will be coming soon. Caught a bit of news on TV just now. The newscaster mentioned something about some minister [erm.. I think so, couldn't remember] suggesting we Singaporeans could try wearing red more often during the month of August, in celebration of our nation's birthday. I thought that will be a pretty fun and good idea. :)
Hiak hiak hiak...Yep, as you would have guess, I'm gonna try wear red tops out more during August. In fact I'm gonna start doing that this friday! I've decided! I'm gonna be wearing my new red top I got from a mango sale last month. *grins from ear to ear* Friday! Official opening for me new red top, celebrating it at Zouk! Haha... Okay, I'm acting silly again, who ever heard of official opening for newly bought clothes at a club man. Hey! But it's been hell a long time since I last went clubbing! Wooooo I just can't wait for friday to come!
I'm gonna paint the town in red! Gonna paint the club in red! Lalala la la la~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago