That's right, no doubt about it! I'm gonna be writing about him again. Haha... Sometimes I just wonder if I'm begining to become obsess over this guy man. I pray not. Well, perhaps this craziness or obsession is gonna be temporary, for only awhile. Just like the very very few past male artists (Jay Chou for example). Oh well, I go crazy over them only when I feel that they have got what it takes and are very talented. And it's not just anyone who can get into my good books that easily okay! Though JJ may not be that handsome, but he's bubbly and chirpy. Positive attitude rules! It's his talents and songs I admire, not his looks~ But I must say he does seem kinda cute in certain ways.. haha >_<
I was using "Angike LOVES JJ Lin Jun Jie's songs ~wooo~" as my MSN nick since yesterday. So of course those who were curious or those who know about this guy would chat on about it with me in MSN. So a few of my friends asked me who this guy was. But the picture I had of his album wasn't really that clear, it only showed his side view.
To satisfy my friends' curiosity I did a little search on JJ's pictures online. And it was to my alarm that I found some info...
*clears throat * Erm hemm.... Sorry but to interrupt this bloggy. Just heard a disturbing piece of news!!!! A friend of mine was at the NDP [national day parade] preview earlier on. Here's what she buzz me that kinda upset me lots, "haha JJ was @ ndp jus nw. he was wearing.. all white..with a black tie...cute!"
Boo Hoo hooo! My JJ! How could he do this to me! I wanna see him at NDP up close n personal too! Oops... guess I got carried away, damn! Tsk Tsk...
*Gathering back my composure* As I was saying.. this obsession will only be just temporary.. Oh, not this bit... Okay as I was saying... I found some interesting info about JJ on the net. He's the same height, same horoscope, and same age as me but only a few weeks older. Cool~ What's even cooler is that his birthday's the same as a friend of mine whom I used to have a crush on many years ago. Way cool eh! Haha.. freaky perhaps?