Christmas Eve. Lit up my [well, sorta] first cigarette. Took my first puff from it. Minty after taste. Didn't lit it well, light it up again, took a deeper second puff [bum puff]. Let the inhaled lingered within the mouth for milliseconds before puffing it out like a dragon. And so the stick was passed back to my friend. The whole experience was pretty brief. Nevertheless it's been rather an interesting experience. But I'll still say NO THANKS to smoking and cigarettes. Uh uh uh, NO! Smoking is bad for ya! Lungs Killer! Kids and peeps, stay away from drugs!
Actually my first encounter with lighting up a cigarette dates back as far to when I was still a little kid of like age 5 or 6, I was only in kindergarten. Ho ho ho... The mean and evil Uncle driver of the school bus tried to educate us kids on cigarettes. I was most probably the most daring kid on board, and probably the only stupid one who stepped forward towards that stick of drugs. I can't remember if I did light up that stick or even took a small puff from it, but it was there and then that I first learnt how a cigarette is actually lit. And I'm actually proud to admit I know how one's lit since I was a kid [I dont smoke though]. Hahahaha!
Okay, 'nuff said about cigarettes. I attended my ex-colleague's wedding dinner at Grand Shanghai this Xmas Eve. The place was beautiful and unique. But it's a pity that the table I and ex-bosses and ex-colleagues were seated hadn't really a good view of the stage. The food was alright. And at the end of it all, I forgotten to bring the chocolates given, home! Argh! Anyhow, the wedding couple looked really great, fantastic! The bride looking like a Princess, and I loved her gowns. Pretty like a Princess. Yes, think I've mention about her looking like a Princess many times. Princess. Princess. Princess. Ah, dream come true for her.
It's great to be catching up with those peeps at the wedding. Hell long a time since we all had a gathering. Thanks to this wedding.
Last but not least, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Have yourself a merry little Christmas! La la la la la...
P.S. I "drew" this Xmas Greeting myself, hope you all like it. Enjoy. ->>>