On your mark! Get set! GO!
And so the rat race begins, with Angela in the lead. Will she come in first? Or maybe a last?
Today marks the first day at work, finally after six full months of rotting and lotsa slacking and stoning in front of my TV, of my computer. Well, I'll still be facing the computer in the days to come, just at a different location. Haha!
The place I'm sitting at now is pretty good. Nice big empty table with nothing but the flatscreen, keyboard, mouse, and the telephone. The window to my right, the wall behind my back, colleagues in front and to the left in the room. Great, I've got good enough privacy in my corner. I could even sneak in online during certain hours to play my game. Ho ho ho. But don't think I will be that free once things start coming in for me to do. I'm gonna have to start designing some designs tomorrow at work. I started with a ilttle bit of stuffs today. So far things are still pretty cool. Hope I won't have a tough time trying to crack my brain for the designs [think I already am. Dang!]
Anyway the colleagues are pretty cool and easy to mingle with. The room where I am in, are where all the sales people are in. Great thing is, most of the time they won't be around as they will be running about, out of the office. Yippy! Even more privacy. Guess I better not be happy too soon. Hope I'll be able to do well [since there won't be anyone to guide me as I go along with the web/print stuffs, for I'm a one-man-team coordinating with the sales and IT side, etc.], 'cause I'm feeling the stress already. Oh well... Shall take things as they come along then. La la la la la.. gotta learn how to destress myself!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago