Tried 3 seperate attempts (on different days). First attempt had been horrible. I put too much margarine, but it's still tasty. So for the second atempt I put in lesser margarine. And tried putting in some butter for the third attempt as I havne't enough margarine. Tsk tsk... I brought cookies to work from the second and third attempts. They all at work loved my cookies! Even my housemates! *beams* Now they call me the cookie queen. Haha.. My colleagues call me Cake Biscuit (as it tasted so) or Cookie at times now.
But I think my third attempt was the best batch! I'm defiately gonna try a forth attempt! Might try putting a chocolate chunk in each cookie next round. It only gets better. Hee.
Here's the simple recipe I found online:
Soft baked choco chips cookies
1 cup margarine
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup vanilla custard
2 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups choco chips
1] cream margarine, sugar and custard together
2] add eggs
3] add rest except choco chips
4] mix well and add choco chips
5] drop by teaspoons onto cookie sheets
6] bake at 185 degrees
P.S. it was mentioned 1 pkg vanilla pudding, but I couldn't find it, hence used the vanilla custard as the substitute, which I would say turned out really well :)