Life is about choices.. summer is here. We are all braced with many choices in life... so here's a list of mine. Tsk tsk...
I would either have to get a new pair of jeans or shed some extra weight off
I would either have to get new skirts for the summer or get my mum to mail over some of mine from home
I would either have to get a new pair of sunglasses or squint my eyes under the sun
I would either have to get a new TV or make do without cartoons and drama in my life
I would either have to get a decent shoe rack or scatter my shoes all over the room
I would either have to get a big towel to lay on while tanning or remain fair in the rare UK summer
I would either have to get nice summer dresses or miss out on the perfect chance to ever wear them here
I would either have to get more shorts to wear at home or keep wearing the only pair without washing for weeks
I would either have to get summer open toe footwear or let my feet stink beneathe my covered shoes
The list of things (materal) I want in life. The list goes on and on for sure...
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago