Guess even before I start blogging, you would have guess it already from the title. Yeap, that's right! No doubt about it! This blog's gonna be about JJ again. *melts* Seems I couldn't get enough of JJ eh. Haha.
So let me see how I'm gonna blog this. *thinks* Oh, okay, I know. *clears throat* Alright, this goes way back to about a week or more back.
This bit's not really gonna be about JJ, but it's the start which leads to it. It was 20th August [it was my godsis, Peilin, birthday], my dad will be out of town for the weekend and I had the chance to use his car. Boy oh boy, it's been months since I last drove too. So I spent the rainy Friday driving. With Lisi we drove to the west area, visiting Syndy at her place for high tea. We lost our way. Took extra long time to get there. Anyway, we had a east meet west kinda high tea. Savouring "char siew bao", biscuits, and ham & cheese sandwiches, sipping tea while catching the olympics on TV. After which we spent hours getting back to the north-east area. Again we lost our way. We explored quite a number of routes. Nevertheless it was a pretty fun drive though tiring.
21st August. As it was Peilin's birthday the day before, and I had the car to use for the weekend, I promised my godsis that I would spend the Saturday driving around with her. We met up early in the morning, drove to Bishan, had a simple lunch and shopped around a little. Then drove back to her place. I secretly let her drove my dad's car for awhile around her area. Then rushed home in the afternoon to catch the olympics. There's to be a table tennis match that day. Our Singapore player, Li Jia Wei' gonna be competing for a place to the semi finals. [Oh well, by the end of all her matches in the olympics, a pity she came in 4th. Damn that N. Korean player, I've never seen such a noisy table tennis player like her. But it's okay, we are all proud of you, Jia Wei, to have gone so far. 4th ain't easy getting too.]
Heh heh, okay it's coming to the bit about JJ soon. Paitence please. 21st August, evening. After the match ended, I drove to pick Peilin and another friend up. We rushed down to meet up with the rest of our friends [a few good old secondary school friends] to celebrate Peilin's birthday together. We had a rather "nice" meal at Magic Wok. It was great seeing Nelly there too, even her hubby was present. It's been a real long time we met up with her, ever since her wedding earlier this year. After dinner we all agreed to head on down to Kbox for some karaoke! Yeah, if not for JJ I won't even have stepped in there to sing. [going to the karaoke is not really my cup of tea] Haha, so I ended up singing only JJ's songs and a few of Jay's too. The power of J! Haha. It was already way pass mid night when we all left [Nelly left with her hubby early]. So 6 of us tried squeezing in the car. After dropping one of 'em back at her place, the rest of us decided to go for a spin around Singapore, the night was still young. *grinz* What a night, driving from east to west, then west to south, then to north. We "visited" the transvestites at Changi Village, said hello to the Changi airport, said good night to the pubs in Holland Village, dropped by Lao Pa Sat to answer the nature's call, etc. We practically drove round and round in circles. Round, round, baby, go round round round~ Haha, JJ was with us through out man! Haha, yep! We blasted JJ's albums over the sound system. Woo hoo hoo! Then one of us suddenly had a brillant idea! We decided to drop by Geylang fro some light breakfast. Can you believe it? It was 5+am [think so] by the time we got there. Inspired by one of JJ's songs, we had 豆浆油条 [soybean milk and crispy chinese cruller] for breakfast. Mmm mmm mmmm! Almost felt like we were all having breakfast with JJ then. Haha, we gals have all gone crazy. Perhaps overdose driving can proved extremely harmful, especially with a huge dosage of JJ added too. :p
So I guess with such late night out and the sweaty job interview, I ended up catching a chill few days later. Darn, what a time to get sick man.
28th August. Although still sick, I made an effort to head down to the Commex Fair with my brother in the afternoon. Sobs, hell lotsa $$$$$ spent with my own card! I forgot to bring my sub-card [from dad] along. Boo hoo hoo! I'm bloody hell damn broke now. Think it's gonna be a really tough time trying to claim the money back from my dad, for it ain't a small sum. In the end, poor brother of mine had to figure out how to carry home from the fair the 17" flatscreen monitor, cannon bubble jet printer [this is the only one item that I got for myself], travel bag with goodies and keyboard given free by signing up with HWM [hardware mag]. Too bad I couldn't stay to help him, for I had to leave for the Zpop concert in the eve. So there I was at the Padang with my friends, waiting for the concert to start. The first two hours were alright. The singers were all great. Then it came to Sun Ho's turn to appear on stage. Damn, I still don't like her. You can see the audiences start throwing their light sticks towards the stage man. Wonder they did it because they like her or hate her. I believe it to be the latter. For we heard the crowd booing at a later part. Goody goody. *evil grinz* Anyway shan't waste time talking about her. After her, it was Malaysian singer, Z Chen's turn. Boy was he good man! He sang really well, loved his powerful voice! He's a really good singer too, like his songs too. Then finally the much awaited, JJ! You should have heard how I screamed and see how I jumped with such joy and excitment. A pity we gals were standing far back back back. Doubt he can even see me jumping like some mad monkey. But who cares, it's JJ we're talking about here man! *screams with a sorethroat* Next it was another local talent, Huang YiDa, boy was he great as well. He really brought the crowd alive man. We all really screamed with all our might through out the whole concert. My throats hurt even more, gotten worse. Oh well, it had been smashing. I liked the singing from Z Chen, JJ and YiDa. Z had the best voice, while YiDa has the best crowd power. JJ was not too bad too, still just as cute. [Another friend of mine said JJ walked passed him at the airport the night before the Zpop concert. Argh! Lucky him, unlucky me. Haha.]
29th August. Went to the Commex fair again, but with my cousin this time round. Feeling slightly better, throat still kinda sore with slight coughs. Bought photo printing paper this time round. Went off in the eve to meet up with a few friends. This time Nelly had her dad's car to borrow, so we gals went off for a spin. Had a sumptuous dinner at Chinatown. After returning the car at her parent's place, we head on to Kbox again for even more singing [i did it for JJ! Good heavens! Haha...]. Think I can only sing male singers' songs man. So ended up singing JJ's and Jay's songs like before. As usual, I almost sang till I lost my voice. Oh man, what a weekend. Think I better soothe and nurture my throat back to good health before attempting anything else.
So there you have it! See, so many stuffs and blogs revolving around JJ alone in the month of August. Therefore I'm gonna dedicate this whole month to JJ. Keke... Hip hip hooray x3 ~^_^~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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