It must be him who ate it! Damn him! For my mum and bro and dad would not have touched it. They didn't showed any interest in it at all. Grandparents won't take a bite at it either for it's not their kind of food. Why would they dig it out from the fridge so late at night anyway?! SO conclusion: he's the only one left who's capable enough to actually do this!!! Sobs!!!! He always talks so LOUDLY, the same LOUD volume no matter what time it is, be it day or night! But when it comes to finding food for his tummy, he's as quiet as a rat! Foul mouth of his!! PEST!
Damn him! Damn that mother fucker!!!!! AAARGH!!!! I HATE HIM TO THE CORE!!!! He stole my aloe vera with honey and lime! I spent the whole afternoon trying to make, trying to chop and slice, trying to perfect the taste!!! The taste of the honey hasn't really enter the flesh of the aleo vera yet and the whole bowl of it is already gone! Damn that son of a bitch!!!! He irritates the shit out of me!
This's not the first time that he stole food that's not meant for his filthy mouth to touch!!! ARGH!!! HELL!!! I've only grown to HATE him even more! I wish nothing better to be related with him! How I wish him dead I tell ya! I am so mad now that I'm growling like some sick beast wishing to slach him dead with my sharp claws! Slowly torturing him to death!
I haven't even gotten a chance to taste my pathetic creation and it's already gone before I know it! ALL OF IT GONE!!! GONE!!! This is totally untolerable!!! INTOLERABLE!!!!
I HATE YOU!!!! DAMN BASTURD!!!!!!!! GRRrRRrrrrRrrRRrrrr!!!!!!
The next time round IF I ever experiment/make/cook anything related with FOOD again! I AM GONNA MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS AND MOUTH AWAY FROM THEM!!!!
Anyway, feeling a little better after venting out all the frustrations! But the hatred for him shall never ever cease for as long as the sun continues shinning in this universe!!!!!!!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago