I told him definately not that soon! Perhaps after 2 more albums from him? Would have to take at least a year or 2 for that. :p But after what happened tonight, make that a never! Fat chance! *Hic*
A friend of mine won a pair of tickets to a singing seminar conducted by music forest. And JJ Lin Jun Jie would be one of those present to share his personal singing experience and also demostrate how one can work on a better voice! Cool! I was so excited when my friend told me about it. We are to go see him up close tonight! *screams*
At the conference hall. After what seemed like eternity, JJ appeared. Everyone clapping. Heard some shreiks? THEN JJ smiled in our direction the moment he sat down. My oh my, what cute dimples! He looks so great in person. *faints* Wonder who exactly was he smiling at. Me? Haha... Lucky for us, he wasnt sitting in a direction that we couldn't catch him. The speakers started sharing experiences and knowledge in singing. JJ was asked to try mimic Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, and Ah Du singing styles. Oh dear, he's simply too cute. :) He also gave tips on some singing styles while playing with the keyboard. Awww.... Simply heart-melting. Nearing the end of the seminar, he even gave us all a little mini performance with dance instructor, Yuki Huang Xin Yu, nicknamed Ice Cream. I was breathless, didn't thought we could actually see him sing and dance for us, though it was only a short while. Before the whole seminar ended, some students from the music forest performed a few songs. Oh dear, you should really hear them, bloody hell bravo! *melts*
Time flies, two hours [well, almost] suddenly seemed so darn short. It's the end of the seminar. JJ's male "nanny" started ushering him away fast, but you can see the more ardent fans of his quickly scampering after him, hoping to get his autograph and snap photos together. Me and my friend couldn't resist such a temptation, in the end we walk at our own sweet pace over to him.
Okay, finally after so many many words above I've finally come to the point where this bloggy really relates to the title.
We saw quite a number of fans swarming around JJ. I quickly took out my camera to try snap a closer pic of him, but really mission impossible from where I stood. So I passed the cam to my friend and dig out the belated [very belated by months] birthday gift from my friend. it's JJ latest album [this's his 2nd one]! Though the gift wrapper's unwrapped, there's still the plastic cover wrap to the CD. Damn! I panicked, what if I can't open the plastic wrap in time? So once again I "threw" the CD over to my friend, letting her to help me with it while I tried to snap pics [still mission impossible]. You should have seen us then! We were so "kan cheong" [panic]. I was so happy when the plastic wrap's finally destroyed. We both rushed over, hoping to either snap a pic of him or get an autograph. Oh well, guess we were so excited like little kids that we lost our calm and gave up the golden opportunity to snap a pic of JJ really up close, or to have a photosnap togther with him when he started walking towards the exit while shaking the hands of those in his path. So there you go, we ended up shaking hands with him! Come to think of it, we should have stopped him and requested for a photo shoot together man while we exchanged handshakes. Lesson learnt, hope history won't repeat.
So there I stood, totally dazed. JJ shoke hands with me! *squeals* Boy was JJ's nanny fierce, he shouted that JJ had to leave. That shout brought me back from dazement. Then I remembered, hey I still have the CD waiting for an autograph! I'm not gonna let that slip passed. Timidly I quickly rushed up to JJ, slipped the CD between JJ and his nanny and politely asked him in mandarin, "Can I have your autograph please?". They continued walking, I was totally shattered. Suddenly JJ stopped and gave a slight ponder before saying, "Okay." He's cute even when he's pondering, cute dimples! Well I almost couldn't believe my luck. *me screaming within my heart* Flustrating with the marker, after a tough time getting the cap off it, I handed it over to JJ. While JJ was waiting for the marker, I could see him staring at the CD. I wonder why. Hee, I was the last one to catch his attention with the CD, wonder did this insignificant incident imprint him an impression of me? [k, you can just dream on gal!] Anyway I've got his autograph! So elated! All thanks to my friend! If not for her I wouldn't have gotten such a memorable "date" with JJ and the precious autograph on the CD. Thanks gal for the lovely CD n tix. Love ya! To date it's gonna be the most memorable b'day gift ever! It's really belated for a right cause and reason. *muacks* THANK YOU!

1. yippy! - still dazed after the JJ encounter. mesmerised bunny pose
2. JJ & I - back home still trying to overcome the excitement
3. Jun Jie - saw that? that's JJ's autograph! woo~
Friend and I got a lift from me dad, I was so agitated in the car, kept pouring out the happenings non stop. Back home, I shared my lovely encounter with my mum, and brother. Showed em the CD. I just can't help boast about it. [oh how I just hate myself so]. Next boast to friends online too. [okay, that's it. I should bang mysef against the wall! How I HATE MYSELF! Haha!] Could I say that this is JJ POWER?!
Then I happily listened to the CD. Hmm.. found it kinda weird, for one song was missing, and the songs order were kinda different. Upon looking at the CD cover and back again, it hit me that this latest album of JJ has got 2 version. The one I got was the normal CD size, while the other was a longer rectangle [which includes the missing song]. Maybe that was the reason why JJ stared at the CD earlier? Oh well, I do admit I was kinda disappointed at first, but JJ's autograph and my friend's efforts cheered me up. :) Perhaps I might go get the other version along with the 1st one too tomorrow then. And if in future ever get the chance perhaps could let him sign those? Praying hard for a miracle.
P.S. Think this gotta be the first time I post pix of me up here. Lucky you. Haha.. or you wanna make that an unlucky you? Hmm, guess I've gotten over carried away and ended up writting so much about my encounter with JJ. Tsk tsk... I just can't help it~ Think I'm JJ love sick!
P.S.S My walls at home ain't yellow.
~Thanks for reading right up to the end~