Within 55 minutes, I received another call. It's from a recruitment agency. They said they received my resume sent last week, on the 22nd. Well, it really took 'em some time to call me up eh. Perhaps they are gonna hook me up with some interview. Too bad, for I told 'em I've found a job. 52 minutes before, my future employer called me and said I've got the job! YES!
Well, you see... I went for this interview last Wednesday morning. Thursday morning, the boss called me up, told me they thought my portfolio was pretty weak, the [web] designs were simple and nothing outstanding. *shrugs* Low morale and confidence, I felt. But, hope is not lost! She said I will be given a chance to propose 2 designs for a certain project and they shall assess it to see if I'll pass and get the job. Well, something like that. Pretty pressurizing though. So I gave my best shot and got it done and sent on Friday night. So this afternoon, she called and said they were pretty pleased with what I've designed and congratulated me for getting the job! [Phew! I'm glad they were pretty pleased with my design.] YES!
I called up Lisi the very next moment after I hung up the phone with my future boss. Have to thank her and let her know about the good news. I was still expressing my concerns about this job's interview to her not long ago. Guess if not for her, I won't be able to get a chance to come across this job opportunity. Got the contact through her friend. So BIG thank you my dear gal! Maybe it's time for some ramen? Hee! YES!
Bye bye to my jobless days. Bye bye to my slacking days. Bye bye to my freedom! I'm finally working once more. Starting work this coming Wednesday, 1st Dec. NO! HAha! Kidding! YES!
So that means I only have one day of freedom left. Boo hoo hoo.. I'm gonna miss ya, my darling Mr Freedom. It's been a lovely 6 months being with ya. Sorry we didn't last long together, now I belong to Mr Money. Haha! Sorry, I'm not trying to be materialistic/money minded. But we all do need Mr Money to survive. YES!
Maybe I'll be getting the other CDs I've been aiming for! Haha! The jazzy jazzy, chill out compilations from inner Resort. Yummy! I wanna get the X'mas compilations from them too. Will be nice to play it for this festive season. I love Christmas most, just a pity there ain't white Christmas here. And maybe I'll get the Linkin Park with Jay-Z one, Collision Course. Keep hearing it over the radio, sounds nice. Hee hee, money coming in means money going out. However I'll try to save up as much as I can. Might have plans to go travelling or backpacking next year or so. :) YES!
No more waking up at 12 o'clock. No more sleeping at 5am. Haha... Pray I'll get used to working life again, in the busy city center at Raffles Place. Pray I'll get along with the new colleagues. Pray I'll be able to handle my new job duties and tasks, and not freak out. Time to get moving with the rushing life. Time to get a life once more. End to slacking days has arrived. Saddening. But happy that I've started moving on into another phase in life. YES!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago