Tuesday, 31 August 2004
Think if I were them, I wouldnt even have bothered calling or contacting a MIA friend. Perhaps only until months later? Haha, that's how bad I can be. Well, I can be a bad friend at [most] times, but I can be a good friend too. Nobody's perfect. *winkz*
money, money, money
Gonna try hint or talk to him again tomorrow night for dad has gone off to sleep already. Pray for me! Money money money~
I'm not being calculative, it's just that I'm truly broke and in need of money to survive at the moment. I didn't bare to visit the doctor when I was sick last week man. Had to suffer through the sick times. Think I better hurry clean up my messy room asap and get down working on my soon-to-come webby and portfolio. And I guess it's really time I should get my ass off the chair and start looking for a job soon too. I've been rotting at home for the past 3 months already. Damn, how I hate myself at times, lazy bummer.
Oh money, money, money, please come back to me!
Since Trixy left...
Gonna pinch myself. Okay, I ain't dreaming. She's really there. Tsk tsk...
As I was saying, I'm still trying to believe she's really over there now. I remembered the day we went to send her off at the airport. Suddenly I seemed so heartless, my eyes wouldn't shed a single tear during our farewell. Amongst the Fab4, Syndy was the first to cry. At the gate, I could see Trixy's parents and elder sister tearing. Trixy too along with Syndy and even Lisi. Only I did not cried. I really wonder why too. How I wish I could. Perhaps I was happy for Trixy and maybe a little envy, hence I felt there wasn't a need for tears under such circumstances. Glad for her that she's flying off to start off a new chapter in her life. But I wrote her a letter that's to be read on the plane. In it I mentioned about one of JJ's song, 翅膀 [wings]. I wanted to dedicate that song to Trixy not because it's by JJ , but for it's words and meaning. Hope it can be a sorta motivation for her whenever she's feeling down or lonely there.
The song was written when JJ [think so] was feeling down in Taiwan, thinking about his ex-gal. Unfortunately JJ borke off with his gal as he had to fly off to Taiwan to become a singer. [Hope I did a good enough translation of the lyrics]
翅膀 - wings
同样的机场 不同世界 - the same airport yet different worlds
同样的咖啡 不同味觉 - the same coffee yet different tastes
同样的我和我 都少了一些 - the same me and I, seem lacking a little something
看飞机划过天空 不见了- the plane flew past, disappearing into the sky
用你给我的翅膀飞 - I'm flying with the wings you gave me
我懂这不是伤悲 再高都不会累 - I know that this isn't saddness, it won't tire me out no matter how high I soar
我们都说好了 用你给我的翅膀飞 - we've agreed, to fly with the wings you gave me
我感觉己够安慰 乌云也不再多 - I'm comforted enough, gloomy clouds no longer seem that much
我们也不为谁掉眼泪 - we won't have to shed tears for each other
空气中藏着 你的香味 - your fragrance's been hidden in the air
回忆里躲着 你的眼泪 - your tears's been hidden in the memories
最后拥抱的 温暖还有一些 - I remembered our last warm hug
我拖着行李往前 一直走 - I kept on walking ahead while dragging my luggage
看一看回忆 是云朵 一朵朵的飘过- memories are just like clouds, floating away one by one.
若想要回头 就无法傲翔 - I won't be able to soar if I were to turn back
JJ’s case was that he had to leave his beloved to pursue his career. Whereas Trix's was to leave Singapore and loved ones in search and pursue of her dreams and to travel around Europe. Though both JJ and Trix had different reasons for leaving, but still for a same cause. i.e. Dreams~
Hope this new pair of wings will help Trix soar high towards her dreams and goals. I envy Trix [not cos of the holidaymaker thingy] who manage to discover her dreams and going ahead to realizing it, making it come true. She's chasing after it while me am still lost as ever, without any hint of where to head.
Nevertheless I'm glad that I didn't tag along with her this time, for if I do, it's her dream that I'm chasing and not mine. Although I really hope I can be a holidaymaker too, I guess it ain't the right time for me yet. I waver too much.
So here's wishing Trixy lotsa luck. Take care and have fun! Cya soon next year! Miss ya lots! *muacks*
Dedicated to JJ
So let me see how I'm gonna blog this. *thinks* Oh, okay, I know. *clears throat* Alright, this goes way back to about a week or more back.
This bit's not really gonna be about JJ, but it's the start which leads to it. It was 20th August [it was my godsis, Peilin, birthday], my dad will be out of town for the weekend and I had the chance to use his car. Boy oh boy, it's been months since I last drove too. So I spent the rainy Friday driving. With Lisi we drove to the west area, visiting Syndy at her place for high tea. We lost our way. Took extra long time to get there. Anyway, we had a east meet west kinda high tea. Savouring "char siew bao", biscuits, and ham & cheese sandwiches, sipping tea while catching the olympics on TV. After which we spent hours getting back to the north-east area. Again we lost our way. We explored quite a number of routes. Nevertheless it was a pretty fun drive though tiring.
21st August. As it was Peilin's birthday the day before, and I had the car to use for the weekend, I promised my godsis that I would spend the Saturday driving around with her. We met up early in the morning, drove to Bishan, had a simple lunch and shopped around a little. Then drove back to her place. I secretly let her drove my dad's car for awhile around her area. Then rushed home in the afternoon to catch the olympics. There's to be a table tennis match that day. Our Singapore player, Li Jia Wei' gonna be competing for a place to the semi finals. [Oh well, by the end of all her matches in the olympics, a pity she came in 4th. Damn that N. Korean player, I've never seen such a noisy table tennis player like her. But it's okay, we are all proud of you, Jia Wei, to have gone so far. 4th ain't easy getting too.]
Heh heh, okay it's coming to the bit about JJ soon. Paitence please. 21st August, evening. After the match ended, I drove to pick Peilin and another friend up. We rushed down to meet up with the rest of our friends [a few good old secondary school friends] to celebrate Peilin's birthday together. We had a rather "nice" meal at Magic Wok. It was great seeing Nelly there too, even her hubby was present. It's been a real long time we met up with her, ever since her wedding earlier this year. After dinner we all agreed to head on down to Kbox for some karaoke! Yeah, if not for JJ I won't even have stepped in there to sing. [going to the karaoke is not really my cup of tea] Haha, so I ended up singing only JJ's songs and a few of Jay's too. The power of J! Haha. It was already way pass mid night when we all left [Nelly left with her hubby early]. So 6 of us tried squeezing in the car. After dropping one of 'em back at her place, the rest of us decided to go for a spin around Singapore, the night was still young. *grinz* What a night, driving from east to west, then west to south, then to north. We "visited" the transvestites at Changi Village, said hello to the Changi airport, said good night to the pubs in Holland Village, dropped by Lao Pa Sat to answer the nature's call, etc. We practically drove round and round in circles. Round, round, baby, go round round round~ Haha, JJ was with us through out man! Haha, yep! We blasted JJ's albums over the sound system. Woo hoo hoo! Then one of us suddenly had a brillant idea! We decided to drop by Geylang fro some light breakfast. Can you believe it? It was 5+am [think so] by the time we got there. Inspired by one of JJ's songs, we had 豆浆油条 [soybean milk and crispy chinese cruller] for breakfast. Mmm mmm mmmm! Almost felt like we were all having breakfast with JJ then. Haha, we gals have all gone crazy. Perhaps overdose driving can proved extremely harmful, especially with a huge dosage of JJ added too. :p
So I guess with such late night out and the sweaty job interview, I ended up catching a chill few days later. Darn, what a time to get sick man.
28th August. Although still sick, I made an effort to head down to the Commex Fair with my brother in the afternoon. Sobs, hell lotsa $$$$$ spent with my own card! I forgot to bring my sub-card [from dad] along. Boo hoo hoo! I'm bloody hell damn broke now. Think it's gonna be a really tough time trying to claim the money back from my dad, for it ain't a small sum. In the end, poor brother of mine had to figure out how to carry home from the fair the 17" flatscreen monitor, cannon bubble jet printer [this is the only one item that I got for myself], travel bag with goodies and keyboard given free by signing up with HWM [hardware mag]. Too bad I couldn't stay to help him, for I had to leave for the Zpop concert in the eve. So there I was at the Padang with my friends, waiting for the concert to start. The first two hours were alright. The singers were all great. Then it came to Sun Ho's turn to appear on stage. Damn, I still don't like her. You can see the audiences start throwing their light sticks towards the stage man. Wonder they did it because they like her or hate her. I believe it to be the latter. For we heard the crowd booing at a later part. Goody goody. *evil grinz* Anyway shan't waste time talking about her. After her, it was Malaysian singer, Z Chen's turn. Boy was he good man! He sang really well, loved his powerful voice! He's a really good singer too, like his songs too. Then finally the much awaited, JJ! You should have heard how I screamed and see how I jumped with such joy and excitment. A pity we gals were standing far back back back. Doubt he can even see me jumping like some mad monkey. But who cares, it's JJ we're talking about here man! *screams with a sorethroat* Next it was another local talent, Huang YiDa, boy was he great as well. He really brought the crowd alive man. We all really screamed with all our might through out the whole concert. My throats hurt even more, gotten worse. Oh well, it had been smashing. I liked the singing from Z Chen, JJ and YiDa. Z had the best voice, while YiDa has the best crowd power. JJ was not too bad too, still just as cute. [Another friend of mine said JJ walked passed him at the airport the night before the Zpop concert. Argh! Lucky him, unlucky me. Haha.]
29th August. Went to the Commex fair again, but with my cousin this time round. Feeling slightly better, throat still kinda sore with slight coughs. Bought photo printing paper this time round. Went off in the eve to meet up with a few friends. This time Nelly had her dad's car to borrow, so we gals went off for a spin. Had a sumptuous dinner at Chinatown. After returning the car at her parent's place, we head on to Kbox again for even more singing [i did it for JJ! Good heavens! Haha...]. Think I can only sing male singers' songs man. So ended up singing JJ's and Jay's songs like before. As usual, I almost sang till I lost my voice. Oh man, what a weekend. Think I better soothe and nurture my throat back to good health before attempting anything else.
So there you have it! See, so many stuffs and blogs revolving around JJ alone in the month of August. Therefore I'm gonna dedicate this whole month to JJ. Keke... Hip hip hooray x3 ~^_^~
Wednesday, 25 August 2004
Sick, sick, sick!
Weather's getting as cranky as me I must say. Now my nose's feeling sore too from all the blowing and flowing. [what were you thinking when you read this? Haha!]
Better go get my rest, and perhaps a visit to the Doc if my nose and throat don't get any better in the next few days. Think I better go "drown" myself with water too. That's at least a 2 litres everyday. Sickening~ *shrugs*
Monday, 23 August 2004
1: someone who is unsuccessful;
2: a complete failure;
3: the act of throwing yourself down; "he landed on the bed with a great flop"
1: with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud"
2: exactly; "he fell flop on his face"
1: fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"
2: fall suddenly and abruptly;
3: fail utterly; collapse;
That's it! FLOP! That's what I did, that's how I felt. Really landed myself with a great flop, really fell flop on my face, a complete flop. Im utterly flopped! Flop flop flopping flopped.. hmm.. can that be tune into a flopping song? Tsk tsk...
While I was checking another email account which I hardly use last nite. I saw an email from Ocean Butterfly Music [OB Music], they are recruiting people to take up some kinda post in their company. The closing date was 23rd Aug '04, 12pm. I took a quick glance at my pc's calendar. It read 23rd Aug, 2004, 12+am. And you know what ? I was so blur that I though I had already missed the closing date since it's already way past 12pm on the 23rd. I almost couldn't sleep, thinking that I had actually missed such an oportunity to work in OB Music. Anyway I decided to give it a try by sending my resume the next morning.
The very next morning [which was today] I showed Lisi the recruitment contents while lamenting that I actually missed the date. That's when you don't check your email accounts regularly. And she corrected me about my mistake. Oh dear! What a close shave for me. With that I quickly edited my resume and sent it out. At about 3.30pm, I went to check on my email account. That was when I saw a reply from OB Music saying that 23rd August was actually the last day for the interview, and I'm to be present by 6.30pm at their office. I was ecstatic! You couldn't imagine how excited and nervous I really was even after I read that. Worse, I couldn't calm myself down and kept breaking down into hot sweat until I reached the office. Hope I didn't smell. Haha. Weather had been real hot today.
*Gulps* I faced the application questionaire. Mind totally blank! Oh my god! I didn't really expected this man! It's in Traditional Chinese and I'm supposed to fill up those tough questions with Chinese, be it Traditional or Simplified Chinese. Darn! My Simplified Chinese sucks, not even to mention Traditional Chinese! So there I was trying real hard. But only ended up filling whichever question I managed to understand with English. Not a very good start I must say. When it was my turn for an interview with Billy Koh [Xu Huan Liang], that's when I really flopped big time. Oh well it's true that I'm terribly poor in reading and writing Chinese. I don't read the newspaper nor pay much attention to them. But I tried to cover up by lying that I do read the papers, but only ocasionally. Haha, guess ocasionally wasn't good enough. So he said it's really gonna be tough for me if I really wanna get into this scene. There are lots more others out there who's much better with Chinese than I. Yeah, he does make sense. What an experience. My first interview held in Mandarin. Guess being comfortable with conversing in Mandarin wasn't the key to the job here.
Anyway Billy was a nice person, it's been a pleasure being able to talk with him though the whole interview turned out pretty much a disappointment for me. Guess I shall stick with getting a job that not as involved with the Chinese scene. I better stopped embarrassing myself man. It's either I go brush up on my Chinese before trying again or go get some other job that's within my own limits. BTW a pity I didn't get to spot JJ at OB Music just now. At least I got to meet Billy, his mentor [guess so], whom got to know of my existence. Tsk tsk... Disappointment comes comfort? Oh well...
Monday, 16 August 2004
It must be him who ate it! Damn him! For my mum and bro and dad would not have touched it. They didn't showed any interest in it at all. Grandparents won't take a bite at it either for it's not their kind of food. Why would they dig it out from the fridge so late at night anyway?! SO conclusion: he's the only one left who's capable enough to actually do this!!! Sobs!!!! He always talks so LOUDLY, the same LOUD volume no matter what time it is, be it day or night! But when it comes to finding food for his tummy, he's as quiet as a rat! Foul mouth of his!! PEST!
Damn him! Damn that mother fucker!!!!! AAARGH!!!! I HATE HIM TO THE CORE!!!! He stole my aloe vera with honey and lime! I spent the whole afternoon trying to make, trying to chop and slice, trying to perfect the taste!!! The taste of the honey hasn't really enter the flesh of the aleo vera yet and the whole bowl of it is already gone! Damn that son of a bitch!!!! He irritates the shit out of me!
This's not the first time that he stole food that's not meant for his filthy mouth to touch!!! ARGH!!! HELL!!! I've only grown to HATE him even more! I wish nothing better to be related with him! How I wish him dead I tell ya! I am so mad now that I'm growling like some sick beast wishing to slach him dead with my sharp claws! Slowly torturing him to death!
I haven't even gotten a chance to taste my pathetic creation and it's already gone before I know it! ALL OF IT GONE!!! GONE!!! This is totally untolerable!!! INTOLERABLE!!!!
I HATE YOU!!!! DAMN BASTURD!!!!!!!! GRRrRRrrrrRrrRRrrrr!!!!!!
The next time round IF I ever experiment/make/cook anything related with FOOD again! I AM GONNA MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS AND MOUTH AWAY FROM THEM!!!!
Anyway, feeling a little better after venting out all the frustrations! But the hatred for him shall never ever cease for as long as the sun continues shinning in this universe!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Most Memorable B'day Gift to date ^_^
I told him definately not that soon! Perhaps after 2 more albums from him? Would have to take at least a year or 2 for that. :p But after what happened tonight, make that a never! Fat chance! *Hic*
A friend of mine won a pair of tickets to a singing seminar conducted by music forest. And JJ Lin Jun Jie would be one of those present to share his personal singing experience and also demostrate how one can work on a better voice! Cool! I was so excited when my friend told me about it. We are to go see him up close tonight! *screams*
At the conference hall. After what seemed like eternity, JJ appeared. Everyone clapping. Heard some shreiks? THEN JJ smiled in our direction the moment he sat down. My oh my, what cute dimples! He looks so great in person. *faints* Wonder who exactly was he smiling at. Me? Haha... Lucky for us, he wasnt sitting in a direction that we couldn't catch him. The speakers started sharing experiences and knowledge in singing. JJ was asked to try mimic Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, and Ah Du singing styles. Oh dear, he's simply too cute. :) He also gave tips on some singing styles while playing with the keyboard. Awww.... Simply heart-melting. Nearing the end of the seminar, he even gave us all a little mini performance with dance instructor, Yuki Huang Xin Yu, nicknamed Ice Cream. I was breathless, didn't thought we could actually see him sing and dance for us, though it was only a short while. Before the whole seminar ended, some students from the music forest performed a few songs. Oh dear, you should really hear them, bloody hell bravo! *melts*
Time flies, two hours [well, almost] suddenly seemed so darn short. It's the end of the seminar. JJ's male "nanny" started ushering him away fast, but you can see the more ardent fans of his quickly scampering after him, hoping to get his autograph and snap photos together. Me and my friend couldn't resist such a temptation, in the end we walk at our own sweet pace over to him.
Okay, finally after so many many words above I've finally come to the point where this bloggy really relates to the title.
We saw quite a number of fans swarming around JJ. I quickly took out my camera to try snap a closer pic of him, but really mission impossible from where I stood. So I passed the cam to my friend and dig out the belated [very belated by months] birthday gift from my friend. it's JJ latest album [this's his 2nd one]! Though the gift wrapper's unwrapped, there's still the plastic cover wrap to the CD. Damn! I panicked, what if I can't open the plastic wrap in time? So once again I "threw" the CD over to my friend, letting her to help me with it while I tried to snap pics [still mission impossible]. You should have seen us then! We were so "kan cheong" [panic]. I was so happy when the plastic wrap's finally destroyed. We both rushed over, hoping to either snap a pic of him or get an autograph. Oh well, guess we were so excited like little kids that we lost our calm and gave up the golden opportunity to snap a pic of JJ really up close, or to have a photosnap togther with him when he started walking towards the exit while shaking the hands of those in his path. So there you go, we ended up shaking hands with him! Come to think of it, we should have stopped him and requested for a photo shoot together man while we exchanged handshakes. Lesson learnt, hope history won't repeat.
So there I stood, totally dazed. JJ shoke hands with me! *squeals* Boy was JJ's nanny fierce, he shouted that JJ had to leave. That shout brought me back from dazement. Then I remembered, hey I still have the CD waiting for an autograph! I'm not gonna let that slip passed. Timidly I quickly rushed up to JJ, slipped the CD between JJ and his nanny and politely asked him in mandarin, "Can I have your autograph please?". They continued walking, I was totally shattered. Suddenly JJ stopped and gave a slight ponder before saying, "Okay." He's cute even when he's pondering, cute dimples! Well I almost couldn't believe my luck. *me screaming within my heart* Flustrating with the marker, after a tough time getting the cap off it, I handed it over to JJ. While JJ was waiting for the marker, I could see him staring at the CD. I wonder why. Hee, I was the last one to catch his attention with the CD, wonder did this insignificant incident imprint him an impression of me? [k, you can just dream on gal!] Anyway I've got his autograph! So elated! All thanks to my friend! If not for her I wouldn't have gotten such a memorable "date" with JJ and the precious autograph on the CD. Thanks gal for the lovely CD n tix. Love ya! To date it's gonna be the most memorable b'day gift ever! It's really belated for a right cause and reason. *muacks* THANK YOU!

1. yippy! - still dazed after the JJ encounter. mesmerised bunny pose
2. JJ & I - back home still trying to overcome the excitement
3. Jun Jie - saw that? that's JJ's autograph! woo~
Friend and I got a lift from me dad, I was so agitated in the car, kept pouring out the happenings non stop. Back home, I shared my lovely encounter with my mum, and brother. Showed em the CD. I just can't help boast about it. [oh how I just hate myself so]. Next boast to friends online too. [okay, that's it. I should bang mysef against the wall! How I HATE MYSELF! Haha!] Could I say that this is JJ POWER?!
Then I happily listened to the CD. Hmm.. found it kinda weird, for one song was missing, and the songs order were kinda different. Upon looking at the CD cover and back again, it hit me that this latest album of JJ has got 2 version. The one I got was the normal CD size, while the other was a longer rectangle [which includes the missing song]. Maybe that was the reason why JJ stared at the CD earlier? Oh well, I do admit I was kinda disappointed at first, but JJ's autograph and my friend's efforts cheered me up. :) Perhaps I might go get the other version along with the 1st one too tomorrow then. And if in future ever get the chance perhaps could let him sign those? Praying hard for a miracle.
P.S. Think this gotta be the first time I post pix of me up here. Lucky you. Haha.. or you wanna make that an unlucky you? Hmm, guess I've gotten over carried away and ended up writting so much about my encounter with JJ. Tsk tsk... I just can't help it~ Think I'm JJ love sick!
P.S.S My walls at home ain't yellow.
~Thanks for reading right up to the end~
Monday, 2 August 2004
it's a small world after all
Written by: Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to ev'ryone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world
Hoy yo yo yo hoy Mate~
It's really a small world man. The gal I met up earlier on in the morning today [in case you are wondering, it's Monday morning] to discuss about some freelance stuffs regarding some kinda medical website. As I was showing her my flimsy portfolio after having gone through the project, we discovered that... HEY! Actually she's a friend of my ex-college cum friend! Damn! What a small world it really is! You can keep hearing us say that out aloud to each other. Ho ho ho!
She's a nice gal. Haha, we kept joking that we can complain to this common friend of ours if either of us fail to keep up with the progress of the project. Poor friend of ours. I can't bear to imagine.
Hmm... I was suppose to give her the mock up designs by Wednesday, but at the last minute I was told that the client will be leaving for an overseas trip on Tuesday, so was hoping perhaps at least something can be shown the next day. Phew! Luckily I managed to get the mock up home page done by 2am and sent it to her so she could present it to the client in the noon. She's a pleasure working with. So it's alright that I have to stay up a little later to get the deisgn out. I'm sure she will help put in good words for me, if not for the effort/design. Haha...
Well I guess if it's not for Boon Xiong [Lao Pa] who passed me her contacts, I wouldn't have met this gal and made the discovery. Should I say that it's fate or it's really a small world after all or? Thanks lao ba! I owe you a meal, so pray things will go smoothly for this freelance project I be working on with her. *grinz*
The Mysterious Call - Part 1
Late night.
31st July 2004
The weather's starting to turn cooler. Good! I love cool weathers. Doesn't matter that it's gonna be raining more now. For it sure beats the terrible hot and sticky weather no matter what.
Dring drRrRrRrring.... dring ddrRrRrrring....
"Hmmm, who could it be? It's already so late at night." I thought to myself. "The call shows no number. A call from the public phone?"
I picked up my handphone after some hesitation.
"Hello?" I waited for a reply.
"Hellooooo?" Still not a single reply, I'm starting to feel a little freaky. After pinning my ears close to the handphone for a couple more seconds, I hung up the call since the other party fail to answer me.
Few seconds later. Dring drRrRrRrring.... dring ddrRrRrrring....
"Hello?" Again I asked. And again the same silent response, spooky. "Who on earth is that?", I tried to think. Gasp! "A stalker?"
Few more minutes later. Dring drRrRrRrring.... dring ddrRrRrrring....
This time I dare not picked up the call. What if someone's trying to stalk me? Or someone trying to cheat me by getting me to hold on to the call for as long as posible, so they can hack through it? I stopped musing and decided to get my brother to answer the call for me. Well, at least if the caller's a stalker he will hang up and not call back again after hearing a male's voice, won't he? So I let my brother be the hero to save I, the damsel in distress. Well the caller did hang up upon hearing my brother's voice. I guess so.
Dring drRrRrRrring.... dring ddrRrRrrring....
Gulps! There it goes again! I almost threw the handphone right at my brother. My little hero said a few hellos, and finally there's some response on the other line.
To be continued...
So what's gonna happen to me? And who's the mysterious caller? What does the caller want from me?
Stay tune for Part 2.