Wednesday, 15 September 2004

Pressie hunt turn Japanese lesson

Yesterday, other than getting my Biotherm skin care products, I was suppose to be out scouting for Lisi's birthday pressie [her birthday's just around the corner]! After walking about the mall aimlessly, I resorted to calling up Lisi to "force" her to reveal what's it she wants for her birthday. Some kinda friend eh? Haha.. but still that beats giving her something which might end up being some kinda white elephant. She didn't want to accept my suggested pressie choice: a pack of 4ply toilet rolls. Haha.. I was only just kidding her.
So that afternoon was spent mostly at the language section in Kinokuniya [bookstore]. Browsed through the different languages; Thai, French, Japanese, etc., trying to pick up a few words or two. I was totally glued to the Japanese books man. Saw a few good ones [was tempted to get one with CD help]. Ended up purchasing two books [Japanese related].

  1. Teach Yourself Beginner's Japanese Script (Teach Yourself Beginner's Script Series)
    by Helen Gilhooly
    Learners are practically taken by the hand and instructed on Japanese script. Opening the door to the fundamentals of reading and writing, each book includes 100 line drawings, self-testing activities and exercises, and examples taken from signs, menus, and other real-life situations.
  2. Lonely Planet Japanese Phrasebook (Lonely Planet Japanese Phrasebook)
    by Yoshi Abe
    For those interested in learning to speak basic Japanese, this guide introduces all the important phrases one needs during common situations. Ideal for both vacationers and business travelers, Japanese Phrasebook includes sections on greetings, accommodations, small talk, getting around the city and country, shopping and more.

Personally I think this phasebook is really good. I have another similar one from Berlitz, which ain't bad too. It's just that lonely planet's has got a few more categories covered which I found amusing in a way. *chuckles* Here's a few Japanese phrases which I thought might be a good idea to share with you peeps. ^_^
  1. I love you
    愛しています - ai shi.te.i.mas
  2. Oh my God!
    すごい!- su.goi
  3. That's great!
  4. Nevermind/don't worry
    だいじょうぶです - dai.jyoo.bu
  5. No way!
    やだ - ya.da
  6. Do you like it?
    好きですか? - des ka
  7. Yes
    はい - hai
  8. No
    いいえ - ii.e
  9. Thank you (very much)
    (どうも) ありがとう (ございます) - ( (go.zai.mas)
  10. You're welcome
    どういたしまして - dou.i.ta.shi.mash.te
  11. Good bye
    さようなら -
  12. Bye
    じゃ、また - jya ma.ta
  13. Good night
    おやすみ (なさい) - (na.sai)
  14. Bon voyage
    よい旅を - yoy o
Here's a few phrase I found under "romance" section. heh heh~
    Pick uplines:
  1. Would you like a drink?
    何か飲みませんか? - ka
  2. You look like someone I know
    私の知っている人によく似ています - wa.ta.shi no ni yo.ku ni.te i.mas
  3. Do you want to come to my place?
    うちに来ない? - u.chi ni ko.nai
  4. Can I take you home? [I think it also means "can I send you home?"]
    お宅まで送ってもいいですか? - o.ta.ku 0.kut.te mo ii des ka
    Rejection lines:
  1. Leave me alone, please.
    独りにしておいてください - ni shi.te oy.te ku.da.sai
  2. Go away!
    あっちへ行け!- at.chi e
  3. You're a pain in the neck!
    うざい!- u.zai
  4. Fat chance!
  5. Stop it! - -
    Getting closer/Sex:
  1. Can I kiss you?
    キスしてもいい? - ii
  2. Kiss me
    キスして - shi.te
  3. I want you
    あなたが欲しい - ga ho.shii
  4. Touch me here
    ここを触って - ko.ko o sa.wat.te
  5. Don't worry, I will do it myself
    だいじょぶ、自分でやるから - dai.jyoo.bu, ji.bun de ka.ra
  6. I like that
    それわ好きです - wa des
  7. I don't like that
    それわ好きじゃありません - wa jya
  8. That was wild!
    ワイルドでした!- desh.ta