Boy am I tired. Just had a smashing great time by the beach [@ Sentosa] today with the usual vball [beach volley ball] gang and their friends. Saw new faces, new familiar faces, and familiar faces. So many faces. Even Flo was there too.
Leaving home, walking to the MRT station under the bright sunlight, i thought I would have a hot time sun tanning by the beach, but it turned out otherwise. Sky didn't seem all that happy when we shown up at habour front in the noon. It seem pretty gloomy. Lisi said that she's afraid Sentosa's gonna be jam packed with crowds of peeps for there's gonna be a Great Singapore Workout there. Being the usual me, I cracked up saying I know why the weather didn't seem that friendly around Sentosa. It's because of the Great Singapore Workout. All those sweat from the peeps working out had evapourated up into the air, and as you know what happens in the water cycle, hence the rain that's to be drizzled down would be the Great Singapore Sweat! Yucks, what a "joke". Haha... Anyway it did drizzled a few times later on at the beach. We heck cared about it, we were more interested in having fun, playing vball, than to take note of getting caught in the Great Singapore Sweat. Bring it on baby!
It was pretty crowded at the beach. It was SPH's [Singapore Press Holdings] family day event at one part of the beach. So many people. We saw a few of the Channel U's actor [Ah Ben] and actresses [Huang Shu Fang and 2 other whom I'm not sure of their names]. Hee~ Later on we saw Ah Ben playing vball with his friends further up in another court. He's like so slim and thin, slender waist too. >_< *jealous*
I didn't dare volunteer to group up with the guys to challange the opposing forces. I spent more time playing vball with Flo and the gals off court instead. Had 2 games with the gang towards the end of the day though. I'm still just as bad, acting like a vase and not budging when I'm in the court. Seemed all frozen up. Perhaps the guys were used to seeing me not move much in the court that they tend to help cover me up by running more to hit the ball for me. I even gave myself a nickname ever since we first started playing vball, i.e. Vase. Haha.. but it's okay, I will try harder the next time round [if I have more chances to play in court]. At least I improved when it comes to getting the ball over the net when it's my turn to serve. *victory*
Spent quite a bit of time watching the teams competing in the court. Our guys/gang have all improved, at least team work and coordination seemed to show improvements. May we all improve more and more, trashing our opponents, yeah! Guessed at some point in time Syndy and Flo got a little bored just sitting by the court watching the games, they started building a sandcastle, then a sandfoot, and a sandhand, then a sandface. I helped a little by gathering twigs that's to be the hair for the sandface/head and white stone for the earring. Haha... I must admit that the man in the sand looked pretty charming with the cool hairstyle I styled. *beams* While I was playing in the game, both of them moved on to creating a sandbuttocks. Haha.. which later evolved into a human back, with the sexy buttocks. I must say it looked rather convincing to me. Hope people walking pass won't mistake it for someone being buried [nude] in the sand with his butts facing up.
So all in all, it had been a really enjoying day for me for it's been a hell long time since I spend my Sunday by the beach. And it's been a hell long time since I met up with the vball gang by the beach too. Boy was I glad to see 'em all today that I got so cranky, like some kinda jester. ^_^
A Purry Luck
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