"Good morning/afternoon, I'm Angela calling on behalf of.... and would like to invite you to the .... Seminar on the...." You would hear me over the phone.
That's how my day started off. Can't say I love it, can't say I hate it. Still pretty neutral. I just took up a temp job as a telemarketer. Today is my second day there. I got this temp job with the help of Zen, Trix's sister. Thanks. But once this job's over [either this Friday or next Monday], I'm gonna thank God that it's finally over. Pray Friday's the last day! Lucky thing is the food around the area is great! Guess that more or less made up for it a little. Hee~
But it's really ironic man! I never ever really like nor even love to chat over the phone much with friends and family. And now I have to face the phone, use the phone, calling up a whole long list of people, conversing with them politely. Oh man, it's really a torture if the person doesn't want to pick up your call, always not at his/her desk, sounding rude or uninterested, etc. But what joys me is when the number dialed is no longer in use. Ha! Saved my breath talking to them. Wonder if is it due to my good conversing power that the full time staff sitting in front of me asked me to help her out with another telemarketing project two weeks later. Or perhaps it is because I'm the telemarketer that's sitting nearest to her table that's why she asked me about it? Oh bommer! Being the good 'O me, how can I possibly tell her straight in the face that I do not like working as a telemarketer again man? Oh well, guess I'm gonna be a devil when she calls me up. I will lie to her saying I found a job and have already started working. Haha!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago