Yippy Ai Ai Yippy Yeah! Finally it's over! You should have seen our faces on the last day at work. No more phone calling! *beams*
Thanks to this, I've got 2 ulcers on my lower lip. *ouch*And I almost lost my precious voice. But I had many cups of free milo and mocha/coffee while working there. The milo was really good. Mocha was nice too. It was so boring dialling up the list of people, sometimes I ended up calling my Godsis, Peilin, many times for the past few day [when we are at work]. Heard from her that Jay's coming to Singapore for his concert on the 27th Nov this year. Tickets are going at $68, $98, $128, $148. She's very keen in going. I'm half-hearted due to my budget. If indeed we're going, we gonna make sure we get the $128 or $148 tickets! Must get a good view/seat man! So guess there goes my salary from this job. >_<
*Phew* Lucky I managed to let the full time staff there know that I won't be able to help her with her upcoming telemarketing project. I lied that I found a full time job that starts the next following monday. Haha! I'm so happy! Yesh! No need to make anymore calls! But her face/voice was pretty black and moody after I told her this. Hrmp... Heck care. :p
At the end of the day, we gals had a mini celebration together. Went to beach road [where the so-called army market is, one level above] for our dinner. We had pasta and rice dumplings in peanut soup. yummy! Darn full man. Went up to the army market for a quick window shopping before we all head on home.
Tomorrow will be another start of rotting days once more. Haha.. But it's alright, I will be occupied with stuffs. [eg. reading]
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago