Yesterday was Boon Siong's birthday. I always call him 老爸 [lao ba - another way of calling Dad in Chinese]. He's my other dad. Haha, not my real dad, but a classmate from polyhood days. Haven't any idea how did this father-daughter thingy came about. I'm his eldest daughter, while Trixy is his second daughter.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 老爸 !!! - 16th Nov -
I gave Boon Siong's my [real] Dad's old Pentax camera. How cheapo neh neh of me man! But it's thoughts that count, ain't it? *sly smirk*
So I met the birthday Dad up for dinner last night, Sipei joined us too. It's been a really long time since I last caught up with her. We three chatted lots over carrot cake and tea and coffee at Starbucks afterwards. Topics mostly revolving around work, driving lessons, polyhood days. Bitching and gossiping about our lecturers, coursemates and those 3 weeks/months projects. Lol. Yakkaty yakkaty yak! Found out lotsa stuffs that I've been missing out when I was back in polytechnic. Darn, I was such an innocent and naive girl back then. Haha, and I still am now. *grinz*
It's been a really fun time, though all we three did was just talk and talk and talk and gossip. Tsk tsk. It's doesn't matter how we should celebrate together, it's the company that matters. A nice chat over nice cakes and drinks companied by friends, that's good enough. Good example will be one such similiar session over the past weekend with my secondary school girl friends at our all time fav hang out place, Dome Cafe. We all met up to have a mini post-birthday celebrations for two of the gals. All shared jokes, dreams and updates while sipping to our cups of tea. Ah, what great pleasures. Is this a good or bad thing? Are we all growing old? Old as in we don't go creating havoc anymore, but sitting at some nice quiet place sipping to tea and munching on cakes while chatting the whole day away. Great way to chill out. Haha. What ya think?
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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