I've never felt more disgusted ever in my whole life!
The cap to my bottle of facial toner, slipped out of my hand, bounced onto the wet floor and dived straight into the toilet bowl. Bull's eye! It decided that it needed a little swim, I figured. I'll give it a 10 out of 10 for that perfect dive! DAMN! Why there of all places to land?! Jesus!
And to make matter worse, I don't really wanna talk about the disgusting bit, but I have to, to make my point out. Sorry folks. My bro shitted before I used the toilet. The flushing system in the bathroom ain't that strong, so sometimes you have to flush like 2 or 3 times to get all the shit out to sea. But you have to wait for some time before the tank refills with water for flushing again. Sigh. So the sight of the water in the toilet bowl ain't crystal clear. Okay, think you should more or less get my point of disgusting here. Don't wanna eleborate more, appetite spoiler. Darn! Damn it! My poor cap! I had such a hard time fishing it out of that pit. Yucks!!!!
Disinfection does not seems to work for this case [I mean for the cap]. Had to wash my hands like crazy. Erm hmmm, of course I didn't use my bare hand to get the cap out! But the idea of getting your hands in there [not the crystal clear kinds] is enough to hurt. Haaha. Yucks! Gross!
Lucky I had a spare empty bottle to transfer the remaining facial toner to. I threw away the cap and bottle.
A Purry Luck
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6 years ago