Sitting alone on the big, comfy, red, cushioned armchair, slowly absorbing the atmosphere of the late Monday morning. Slowing taking in small sips of my caramel cafe latte, slowing savouring its bitter sweet aroma. Notice how I keep using 'slowly', 'slow'? Ah... I just love such slow days, where it seems like time has stand still and you can slowly go about the day at your very own sweet pace. Haven? I beg to differ. It's a pity I don't have a laptop with me, that's 'cos I don't have one to begin with. If not it might have been perfect. I would be like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, typing on her laptop in starbucks or something for her sex columns in some weekly newspaper. But the key point here ain't about writing for sex columns. Hell no! I'm Angela for God's sake. Haha. Why did I even drag Carrie into the picture?
So there I sat, at Pacific Coffee, with my coffee. HMV is just across the walk way. You can just hear 'em play all sorts of music, free. Yes, freedom of music. But neh, thanks but no thanks, for I had ATB playing for me on my discman. What a great way to energize the start of your day.
And so I sat, slowly appreciating my cuppa latta while watching the crowds of shoppers briskly walking past before my eyes. Perhaps I should do this more often. I think this makes a good perfect setting for some inspirational writing. Tsk tsk... Think a piece of nice warm cake would make it even better.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago