Yesterday's been a pretty rainy day. Rain started pouring in the afternoon till late night. WOO hoo... Wat a nice weather! I was practically stoning my way thru work all day. [guess ive been like this since last nov or dec. bad bad.. simply no discipline. ought to b spank i tell yer!] U could see cats n dogs jumping dwn from heaven man, and if u pop ur head outta the window u might hurt urself from the desending animals. Gosh... guess i was day dreaming again as oways. Well, can u call tat as creativity? haha.. neh *shakes head* i doubt so.
Work has been going real real real real real slow, slower than a snail even. I HATE it when i cun get stuffs done when i haf stuffs on hands to do. Still not much has been done since the past few wks. oh man, im slacking... even worse than usual! i haf no ideas in my mind, seems like i couldnt think anymore, my mind's a complete blank. even if i were to copy other ppl's design, i cun. design turned sucky. simply dead. yah dah yah dah yah dah... alrite.. enuff complaining.. dis aint the main pt of the blog here baby. heh heh....
Actually it's been a pretty okay day at work [ignoring the poor work production], nice weather made me feel like sleeping. if oni i was off somewhere nice, perhaps a nice villa on some pasture, somewhere over looking a field of flowers or with a nice scenery, with the nice rain outside, pitter pattering on the windows. i inside the house, sitting comfortably by the window sipping to a cup of hot hot tea while reading my nice books, anticipating wat the characters in the book wld do, etc. With some light soothing jazzy music at the back. Ah... wat an enjoyment. relaxing. Total chill out man! Mmmmm mmmm.... okie there i go again...*SNAP* I'm back in the office room again. hee.. gd thing my colleague had some jazzy music playing, at least tats not too bad.
Earlier on at noon, we planned [well sorta of.. pretty last min] a surprise for my colleague. Her bday's on the 22nd [one of me my fav nums ^_^] which so happens to b the 1st day of the Lunar New Yr [public holis] this yr. So we had a pre-bday celebration with her. Had a pretty fun time together eating the cake [chocolate cake~ yummy...], taking pics n stuffs. Lucky for June we din saboh her face with any cream. Guess we've all matured n stop the childish acts of attacking ppl with cream from the cake like we usually did for the rest in the past yrs. Haha.. or mayb we din wan to ruin our nice clothes with xtra cream. We all look great! hehe... June wore pink, Ruoshi wore pink too, dino wore red while the rest wore black. So it was a very pink n red n black celebration.
Oh yeh yeh yeh... not to be left out..... it's me dearest, darling, lil bro's 15th bday on the 19th! awww..... I gave him a BIG TITE HUG the moment i got home n saw him. heh heh.. i sped towards him with all my might, gave him a kiss on his back while hugging him real tite, refusing to budge until he omost fell onto the floor! okay okay... mayb i was jus exaggerating a lil. anyway... i jus shoke his hands while wishing him a happy bday, nxt a few hugs with a few pecks on the back of his shoulders then a spank on his butt. haha... hmm din gave him any pressie. guess the hugs n kisses wld b sufficient eh.. but he didnt liked it much i guess. haha heck care! But hey! I got him a bottle of baileys though. tats my 1st decent pressise to him in all his 15 yrs of life man! Actually its a xmas [2003] cum bday [2004] pressie. Cheapo neh neh me! haha... bad of me too... fancy encouraging him to drink alcohol even b4 the legal age of 16 in s'pore. tsk tsk... But i dun really like baileys, so creamy.. yeeeeww! but guess it's alrite if u add it to coffee n stuffs. ^_^
Had a mini dinner with mum, dad n bro to pre-celebrate me bro's bday on Saturday instead. Saturday's been a pretty packed day for me. Went shopping with Joy for a new dress for chinese new year. [too bad we din get any] then next we each had our hair cut, met up with my godsis n her fren for a lil while snapping photos away b4 i finally move on to join my mum, dad n bro for the dinner celebration. had some nice chinese food at a resturant at Suntec. the food was absolutely fab! GREAT! TASTY! Amongst the dishes... I liked the shark's fin, soft shell crab n the pig's meat best! was one big chunk of the shoulder from the pig cooked the shanghinese style, yeh i think so. was really tasty! yummy!!!!!
After the yummy-li-cious dinner on Saturday, I went with me godsis n her frens to watch a movie marathon organised by 93.3FM in conjunction with their b-day celebration [see! theres so many bdays mentioned in this blog eh.. shld b retitled the bday blog eh? hahaa]. Watched 3 movies respectively...
1] Silver Hawk [Chinese movie starring Michelle Ye]
2] Stuck on you [English movie starring Matt Daemon]
3] Magic Kitchen [Chinese movie starring Sammi Cheng]
Loved the 1st 2 movies, while i tot the 3rd one was kinda crappy. or perhaps i was getting a lil tired when it came to the 3rd one? 1st 2 movies were both very funny. had a bashing time luffing, esp the 1st one. ^_^ Omost towards the end of the 3rd movies, my godsis's frens couldnt take it anymore n headed home 1st. Me n my godsis made it thru n dash for the nearest MRT at once after the 3rd movie ended. Phew.. wat a nite. Reached home abt 7.20am on Sunday. Slept at dawn[7.50] n woke at dusk[5.30pm]. lol...
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago