PUSH! PULL! PUSH PUSH PUSH!!! Damn! Why?! Why cun i push it in?! Why? I'm afraid that I wld break it if I pull it up too high too! Oh man... what luck! Tot I could have enjoyed my rainy Sunday, now this kinda shit happens. Omost on the verge of crying if it weren't for Lisi there beside me. But hey, Im not such a weakling, cry baby yet. *hrmp* Gotta try control my anguish. Both Lisi & I took turns fiddling with it. HA! Didn't work. No one's around either to help us in the mess I've gotten into. All around it was quiet, not a soul in sight. It's all my fault! I shouldnt have gone n pull it up too high earlier on! Now I cant get it to go down!!
I phoned my dad up asking for advice on this. All he said was that we jus hadta try pull it up more den push it in with force to get it down. Said it's possible and just get help from another guy if the need arise. What reassurance man. Wat an advice. Hmm.... it seemed like ages before we saw help. But then the guy was with a gal, he seemed pretty skinny. Din really wanted to approach him to help [Im not being mean by saying he aint got strength okay! Moreover, he was at the other end, too far away to call out to].
Lisi carried on trying while I carried on muttering in despair. I tried to help pull it up while she tried pushing it in. To no avail. Sigh. After what seemed like eternity, FINALLY i spotted an uncle coming [up the slope]. Okay, so it's now or never! I dun wanna b stuck there for Lord knows how long more... Gotta be him to save us all. Well at least he wasn't skinny. Average built, but I believe & trust tat he's got the strength we needed. So i summed up my courage, walking bravely yet calmy in style towards him. Slowly advancing with a pounding heart. He, upon hearing my desperate plea for help, smiled and in an egoistic stance came to aid us.
Within secs, I witnessed the kind uncle pulled the handle, push the button in & released it effortlessly! Viola! Just like magic! WOW! Never underestimate the power of a male's strength. A gleam of light shone from my eyes. I'm so happy! Almost half an hr back then I tot that this was the end. That's it.. I'm in for trouble. Trouble with my dad's car, with the darn handbrake! Good thing this gentlemen was ard to help release the handbrake for us. Haha... phew. Damsels in distress saved.
Now what were you thinking?? Hur hur hur???? *wicked grinz*
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago