1 day down, 365 days more to go. caught yer there din i? dun forget there's 29 days in Feb this yr.
Time flies, turning older again by another yr [as oways]. Doesnt matter how old one's turning into, as long as u noe u have ur great pals with u, it's more than anything one cld ask for. ^_^ Though this yr the gals in fab4 [lisi, trixy, syndy & i] shall each haf her own plans and might not haf the chance to meet up as much, its kinda sad/depressing to even think abt this. Nevertheless as wat Trix said, there will b a day we all reunite again. it wont b far... for the time being, guess I jus gotta make do with being in Singapore still. Earn/save more $$$ n travel ard the world. Fulfill my own dreams [still working tat bit out] n start living my own life instead of jus being a follower [kinda reminds me of Sam in LOTR, but i'm suppose to be more like pippin in LOTR. haha...]. Gotta make my own stand! Yeah!
On new yr's eve, we had our feast together, last dinner together for fab4 + victor in 2003. Ate until we were all so full man! Nxt we kept taking pics of us b4 xchanging our xmas pressies. Hell lotsa pics n fun! Squashing onto each other, heads all stuck together, snapping snapping snapping away~ Wasnt after a long while b4 we finally opened our pressies. Hope the gals liked wat i gave. I loved wat they gave me. I got a num of stationary stuffs from Syn; eyeshadow & an eeyore tumbler from lisi; a cookie, incense scent burner & sesame street toy figurines from Trix. Felt like a kid again. keke... Nxt we all played Malaky, some sorta bluffing game. I was winning in the begining, but came in last at the end. Guess my ans given were getting crappier n cornier as the game progressed. We all had a really bashing time luffing all the way.
Spent the start of the new yr still at vic's place with the fab4, ate our rice dumplings for branch [breakfast + lunch = branch], yummylicious~ I liked the red bean filling one best. Watched 3 movies, [ monster inc., taxi 2 & 3 ] straight in a row. Woo hoo~ Had canadian pizzas n over toasted garlic bread for our 1st dinner together in 2004. heh heh... Great fun with the gals! Syn wun let it pass, not until we had a game of scrabbles with her. I was so bad at the game that i needed an xtra pair of eyes from syndy. thnx gal! Came in 2nd last though.
It's been really a long time since we gals had such fun. May many such days come again where we gals will meet up again n haf just as much fun together. Oh yeah i havent given Lisi her hug yet >_< *grinz*
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago