it was noon soon. woke up in bed today feeling a need for the loo, had some kinda dream again. [nature's call] think its abt some toilet dream? dun rem... i oways haf dreams abt the loo/toilet whenever i need to pee [erm.. yes pee... P-E-E.. pee!] though im still asleep. rem theres this one toilet dream tat was pretty grand. haha.. went with a bunch of sch mates on an excursion to a big building of toilets... all sortsa toilets, from the normal kinds to those tats built in a locker to even an eygptian deco kind [erm dun ask me how the real eygptians' loos r like, no idea either. haha]. every floor, everywhere, all u see is jus toilets, toilets, n more toilets! Cool! lucky i woke up in time if not i might haf pee on my bed! haha... so can u consider this a a wet dream? *evil grinz* k jus kidding...
hmm.. it's the first day of the Chinese New Year [CNY]. Somehow I didnt felt anything for it... not at all excited. Pretty dread it, i dunno y. Guess I prefered the Christmas season better. At least all the shops wont close during that holiday season. Not much places to go since most of the places will b closed during the 1st 2 days of CNY. Mum's mum died when i was 15, since then till now we dun gather at mum's mum place anymore on the 1st day. Guess since then it sorta became a tradition to go catch a movie with my mum, dad n bro on the 1st day after wishing me dad's parents a happy new yr. We watched Fantasia [chinese movie starring louis koo]. Damn funny! kept hearing my bro n mum who were beside me luffing all the way thru. the whole cinema was filled with laughter, esp this one gal who's laughter was really loud. heh heh... even the kids were njoying the movie, cld hear em loud n clear too. well at least tats something cheerful. laughter!
Din really buy any new clothes for the new yr, din really see the need for it, since i still haf a couple of new clothes that werent worn yet since i bought em a yr or more ago. Decided to wear my new demin dress today. Damn! I put on some weight, the dress felt kinda tight, cun breathe! *gasps for air* Demin dress $63, earrings $6, necklace $13, watch $165, tote bag $25, mules $35, gasping for air in tite dress.. priceless! haha.. [prices are all made up, xcept for the dress cos it still had the price tag on it.. wooo~] imagine i was slimmer back then when i bought the dress >_<
guess its abt food today. had a very heavy brunch @ pizza hut. then vietnamese food @ marina square for dinner. vietnamese food was great! the drinks r jus as good! *slurps slrups* yummy yummy!!!!! mmmm mmmmm.... definately will go back there again to savour more food. if anyone's interested in trying the vietnamese food from this place, it's jus opp mos burger at marina sq, hmm well thinks its more of like near by or beside rather than opposite. they may not b the 1st but they r the best! n i totally agree! so who wanna go try out the food there with me the nxt time? hands up pls! lol... hmm think the price's pretty alright still.
okay... if u've manage to make it thru to this bit... u must have been wondering [tats if u've read the title]... then wat abt the potatos?? haha.... paitence comes to those who wait then =p
Actually theres nothing much abt the potatos *gotcha*... But me being a potato lover, a book caught me eyes while i was in Carefour doing some window shopping before dinner. The ultimate POTATO cookbook by Periplus!!! Wow! This i gotta get! A whole cookbook on potato recipies! tsk tsk.. though i cun cook, but think the book wld come in handy some day. Its a good book, pretty simple to follow instructions, lotsa photos. with nutrition facts abt each dish and/or a lil fact or cook's file for some. even covered a bit on potato varieties, covered 17 kinds [including sweet potatos though its not a true potato]. Trix, if u r reading this... mayb u might b really interested in this cookbook! *grinz* mayb we cld whip up a potato meal with it. theres recipies for soups, salads, pizza, patties, tortillas, etc. Saw a few that shld b pretty ez to make, there's the potato pancake, bacon and onion rosti cake, potato croquettes, potato salad....mayb one day we the Fab4 cld whip up a potato feast for one of our gatherings. hee... I LOVE POTATOS! Yeah~
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