Was suppose to meet up with my godsis today, but it was sorta postphone to another day cos another fren of ours had something else on. So decided to do a bit of sty [my room] cleaning today. In the end, I went blading instead, haha ... godsis dun kick me if u see this. hahaha...
It's been a mth since i last went blading or vballing. legs really getting itchy, wan some rolling action yeah~ so ECP here i come! Met up with Darren n Jeremy there. Been some time since i last saw em too. Glad to be seeing Darren again b4 he gets his ass back to KL again. haha...
I didnt had my guards on today, cldnt b bothered with em. All went pretty well at the start. lol.... As usual we blade for a while & rest for a long long while. Well, at some point i Omost fell once when i blade past some branches on the path, but lucky i managed to keep my balance. Scary! But hey im getting good! woo hooo hooo! While we guys were making our way back after having some tasty, sweet coconut juice from the hawker [YES! The hawker stalls r finally reopened after the long long renovation! FINALLY!! It's abt time they reopen for biz too man], i lost balance n fell! Guess I shouldnt haf spoken too fast abt not falling eh?! DAMN! OUCH ouch OUCH!!! Too bad Darren who was behind couldnt prevent me from my fall. Thanx anyway. Sobs... another scar or 2 [on my left knee] to add to my collection of scars in total! Tat does it!!!!! No more trying to act cool while blading again! Tats it! 2nd time trying to do the snake slalom while speeding along ECP. No more slaloming @ ecp without guards on again for me, no no no more! boo hoo hooo ... my poor knee, me n my ego, acting cool shit! hahaha! Oh well i deserved it anyway. lalalalalaa.......
Oh yeah... Jerremy, thanks for ur "ko yok" plasters man. =)
After blading, I still gotta rush to meet my parents n bro @ Chinatown to catch the fireworks there. It's abt 34 yrs [think so] since we Singaporeans ever witness real fireworks display man. This I hope not to miss. Like some kid eh i? Hell lotsa ppl abt, wat a crowd! Freaking scary. Lucky i managed to find my parents n bro. @ 7.30pm, the fireworks started going off...for 5 mins it went BANG BANG BOOM BA BAH TAH DAH BANG BOOM BOOM BOO! Cool! Jus like how it was in the movies. But.... but... but... we couldnt see it go off! Simply too many ppl abt, we cldnt make our way to the place where we cld witness those fireworks. Our spirits werent dampen cos of tat, the BING BANG BOOM BAM BAM was loud enuff to keep us amused. We joked with each other, saying this is oni part 1. Part 2 is waiting for us back at home when we catch it on TV news. haha... Part 1 to be heard, n Part 2 to be seen on TV.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago