Okay on to something happier other than work. ^_^
Had a great day yesterday. Went with my gang of friends to play beach volleyball. Pity we didnt get to use the courts much yesterday until towards the later end of the day. Otherwise we formed a big circle and practise instead, how boring but nevertheless still fun. But we did manage to WIN once in the court yesterday! FINALLY OUR 1ST WIN!!! HIP HIP HOORAY! x 3!!! But I din get to hit or score much, stood there like a vase, think I hit better when we are in a big circle rather than in the court. Hahaha... looser!!!! Must brush up my skills more! Yey!
We played beach soccer too. Hell lots of running! Tiring! I really admire those professional soccer players. 90mins in the field so big, all running and chasing and kicking after one ball. haha.... hmmm is it 90mins? 45? 60? hmmm..... When I was trying to be the goal keeper, i manage to save a goal but hurt me little index finger instead. Hit the goal post when trying to block the goal. *OUCH* BLOOD!!! Damn! Should have worn some gloves or something man.
When out acting as a defender on the sandy field, I fell on my butt a few times too. hahaha.... Guess this goes to show I'm very accident prone! I have so many scars already! The guys say I'm very violent. Oways kick their legs instead of the ball. Oops... hahahahaha ... hell lots of fun we all had! Now my butt hutrs like hell too! >_<
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago