went blading today, usual routine. nothing much happened, lucky no falls today. erm.... okay.... well ... mayb ... just mayb ... neh .. no way ...i never fall at all today okay! Trust me *grinz* ermm...... okay okay... omost met with a few little accidents here n there only tats all.
just missed bumping into children running across the track by a teeny tiny bit,
just missed bumping into cyclist cycling on the track by a teeny tiny bit,
just missed bumping into pet dogs crossing the track by a teeny tiny bit,
just missed bumping into another blader or 2 on the track by a teeny tiny bit.
Otherwise all else fine, no falls still okay! >_< kakakakaka....
I tell ya it was so hot today!bloody hell hot man! Other days were hot but they werent anything like it today. phew ... hot hot hot... hot till me n my frens had a tough time blading this noon. we bought the giant slurpee from 7-11. ahhh.....
think it will b better to cycle instead. or simply jus lazing by the coast n njoy the sea breeze. will be good for some sun tanning too. cun wait for my beach volley ball session tomorrow! ^_^ woo hooo .... hope the weather will be just as good tomorrow~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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