Went for my hair cut last nite. Hmmm .... Cant say i like it, cant say i dislike it, just something different yet something similiar to how I look like b4 the cut. hahaha.... About the same length, just lesser weight, a bit more volume at the top part. I even have a slight fringe now. Kinda like it from certain angles. haa.. But I cant imagine how will it turn out after my shampooing later tonite back home >_< What if later it goes haywire after it dries up? Cos it's more layered, will easily anyhow curl.Scared scared!!! I oways have phobia with haircuts and stuffs. Vain potty!
SORRY BEST FRIEND! The temptation of getting a haircut was just too great! I failed you! Neh neh nee BoO bOoOo..... Hahaha...
Will try see how long I can grow my length now b4 my next haircut. keke.... Temptation!
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago