It's my godsis's birthday today. Gonna meet up with her tonight after work with 2 other frens. Time really flies. Known my godsis since secondary school. We've been thru alot together, but due to my recent new commitments with blading & vball we both hardly get to hang out as much. Wanna take this chance here to wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Godsis & friends forever~
*HUGZ & MUACKZ* Thanks for being there for me!
Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le-e
Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
May ur wishes come true! Especially wishes regarding C [godsis, you should know what I mean.] *giggles*
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago