Phew... What a busy morning I had. Didnt get to eat my lunch until 3pm man. Had to rush a mock up brochure design for a client to view by 2pm today. And I din expect to overshoot the timing and ended up getting scolded by the client. Lucky thing was it wasnt me who got the scolding, it's me lady boss. Damn! Bad luck! >_<
It's my 1st print project where I get to do the design and layout and stuffs. I'm too used to doing web design until I'm so lousy with the grid and stuffs for print. So In the end I anyhow place the photos about. Heck care the grid. hahaha..... Web design has somewhat made me too rigid & stiff in my design, cos I only have a 800 x 600 pixel space to play with the design... erm okie.. guess sort of. *grinz* I dunno what's talking me man!
AwWw.... Most of the times I wanted to type short blogs, but I always end up telling long old granny stories... like this post! heh heh .... *hammers own self"
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago