After waiting for a month or so, it's finally my turn to collect the long awaited book i've reserved from the library. My library card omost couldn't work this morning, the bar code reader the librarian was using couldn't read my library card. Think there's something wrong with that bar code reader she's using. What luck man. Then when I found out the book borrowed was actually the children's version, somehow I didn't seem as enthusiastic as I first started out to be. I very much preferred the adult version.... hmm .. nevermind. *sigh* What luck man. Too bad the library never stock up the adult version. Wonder if there's any diff between the 2 version? Other than the cover illustrations diff, there better be no other. Nevertheless it's the story i'm out for not the covers. yeah .... as if, like real! I can be such a fussy-pot at times. Damn!
@ work today, my 1st print job finally got back from its color seperation job, kinda depressing man! The colors .... *double sigh* ... oh well... *triple sigh*. nevermind abt the colors, what's sad is there's a mistake in one of the pages! ARGH!!! Y was I so careless?!!!! Now cause company to loose $ just to re-send it for another color seperation job. What luck man.
Okay back to my harry potter now. I've managed 3 chapters b4 this. 3 chapters down 35 more ta go; 57 pages down 709 more ta go. Hmm lets do a simple calculation.... lets say if I manage to read abt 38 pages in an hr jus now, so it will take me roughly 18.66hr to finish the whole book, which means I should be able to finish reading it within 2 days if there's nothing else stopping me from it?! haha.... crazy me~
Okie pokie.... back to reading harry potter business time~ will keep bloggie updated with my progress if possi~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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